Naisek – A Constructed Language

Naisek-to-English Vocabulary, by Class

The Date in each entry identifies when the word was added to the vocabulary. The word's status is under the S heading; the codes are:

2 first used in LCC2 relay
4 first used in LCC4 relay, Ring B
o possibly obsolete
P first used in Relay 14
Q first used in Relay 15
R first used in Relay 16
T first used in Relay 18
U first used in Relay 19
W first used in ZBB Polyglottal Telephone VI
X first used in ZBB Polyglottal Telephone V
Y first used in ZBB Polyglottal Telephone IV
Z first used in ZBB Polyglottal Telephone II
not used yet
? not used yet and questionable

Word Classes

Here's a summary of the word classes, with the abbreviations used in the vocabulary:

A Adjective
C Conjunction or particle
D Determiner or pronoun
F Free adverb
I Interjection
N Noun, followed by a gender indicator:
  A Animate
  H Heterogeneous
  I Inanimate
  The gender will be followed by a
  P if the noun is a Proper noun
  M if the noun is a Mass noun
P Preposition
Q Quantifier
U Impersonal Verb (like V)
V Verb, followed by the verb's argument structure class (1 through 8) and an aspect class indicator:
  P Perfective
  I Imperfective
  M Mixed
  S Copula
X affiX or preposed adverb

Entry Words

Affixes are marked with a dash (); most suffixes are omitted. Pronouns are listed by the absolutive form and nouns are listed by the absolutive singular form. For verbs and adjectives, the stem is used in the entries, even though it never occurs by itself. Quantifiers are listed like either nouns or adjectives.

Verb stems have combinations of the following codes appended to them:

=A insert u in 2SA and insert i in 1SA, 3SA
=H delete h or change r, l, y, w to a, o, i, u, respectively
=I insert u in 2S*, 2P*, 1NP* and insert i in 1S*, 1XP*, 3S*, 3P*
=M insert u in 2SA and insert i in 1S*, 1XP*, 3S*, 3P*
=N insert u in 2SA, 1NP* and insert i in 1SA, 3SA
=U insert u in 2S*, 2P*, 1NP* and insert i in 1SA, 3SA

Adjective and quantifier stems have the following codes indicating conjugation type appended to them:

:1 append it, use ending set A
:2 modify stem, append t, use ending set A
:3 possibly simplify stem, append t, use ending set B
:4 possibly simplify stem, append t, use ending set C

An asterisk * indicates that the word is irregular in some way. Consonants in parentheses appear only when followed by a vowel and vowels in parentheses appear only when followed by a consonant.

Naisek-to-English Vocabulary

Existing Vocabulary
Date S Cls Word Gloss or Tag Notes

** A ****
...... Y A –amp :4 Sup - superlative
080414 A –iks :1 -ward (direction)
...... Z A –oss :3 Cmp - comparative
110703 X A –lg :1 -like (denominal)
070120 P A ban :3 young
070109 A bay :2 male
070118 A benn :3 hot
110703 X A braf :3 strong
070114 P A buxm :1 happy
070208 A can :3 healthy
070208 A cisp :4 flat
081103 R A darb :1 important
110703 X A deman :3 middle
070112 o A ell :3 different from - defective
070120 A emp :4 wise
081103 R A frasp :4 determined
070110 U A galb :1 green
070109 A gir :3 female
070115 W A gorh :1 dark
070123 A guyad :1 strange
070115 A herd :1 old (not young)
080414 Q A hif :3 the same, identical
070207 P A jesm :1 good
080319 Z A josp :4 separate, apart
080414 Q A jouf :4 other
070106 W A kan :3 red
110108 T A kiskes :2 scattered
070114 A kwerb :1 drunk
080414 Q A laip :4 easy
080414 Q A lanh :1 precise, accurate
070207 P A laun :4 beautiful
070207 P A leihan :3 spiritual
090119 Y A lufk :4 heavy
070107 A pink :4 small
070115 A plah :2 new
080414 A poupow :2 mere, insignificant
090119 Y A pran :3 loose, free
080319 Z A raim :1 real, true
111207 W A rauf :4 high
070612 2 A risk :4 angry
090119 A rusp :4 hard
120521 U A sam :1 tall
070115 A sipp :1 fast
070106 A sorg :1 big
110703 X A texp :4 shallow
120521 U A toub :1 wide, broad
110108 T A troxk :4 proud
070125 A twerh :1 raw
070115 A wen :3 old (not new)
070115 P A xanh :1 bright
090119 Y A xark :4 severe
080414 Q A xengl :2 nimble, agile
080319 Z A xiskw :2 terrible, awful
090119 Y A moxkis :3 honorable
080319 Z A mutkis :3 reasonable
090119 Y A raxkis :3 noble (not aristocrat)
070120 A dostwar :3 sleepy
090122 A jangwar :3 hungry
110108 T A kwaswar :3 lonely
090122 A kwergwar :3 thirsty
081103 R A linkwar :3 compassionate
110108 T A ticwar :3 rich, wealthy

** C ****
070106 2 C ce Int - particle
070106 2 C ga Neg; no - particle
070106 2 C he Aff; yes - particle
070114 Y C gaus neither/nor - coordinating
070111 C jos ? or (exclusive) - coordinating
070612 2 C nepo then - coordinating
070111 2 C os or (inclusive) - coordinating
070612 2 C pone (both/)and - coordinating
070125 2 C osga if - conditional
070125 C osse unless, if not - conditional
070109 P C noku - purpose clause
070130 Z C ir - introduces complement clause
070106 2 C lo - introduces complement clause
070130 2 C kono - introduces quotation
070112 U C? dorsa when - relative
070106 C fen - fen A tep = as A as
070106 C gos - gos A tep = less A than
080414 Q C nage but - connects clauses, sentences
070106 P C po and - joins phrases only
080319 Z C doflo until
090119 Y C kose because, since, for
090119 Y C lohai before
090119 Y C lohen after
070106 Z C tep than

** D ****
080414 Q D –okm kind (of) - on pronominal/determiner stems
070106 2 D ku 1S
070106 D ko 1XP
070106 D bo 1NP
080319 P D bal 1NP - oblique of bo
070106 2 D nu 2S
070106 Y D no 2P
070106 Q D fu Rfx
070114 Z D fal Rcp
070111 D gau(t) Nul - pronoun
070111 Z D gaut Nul - determiner
070111 2 D o(t) Uns
070106 Z D ta 3AS
070106 P D tal 3AP
070106 2 D ti 3IS
070106 P D til 3IP
080319 ? D ba* 3AMasS
080319 ? D bayo* 3AMasP
080319 Z D gya 3AFemS
080319 Z D gyal 3AFemP
070106 D c Que - pronoun (singular endings)
070106 P D d Rel - pronoun
070106 P D h Def - determiner
070111 U D help the other - determiner
070111 D otelp some other - determiner
070106 P D bes this/these, here - near speaker & addressee(s)
070106 D ces which, where - interrogative
070106 D des which, where - relative
070106 D kes this/these, here - near speaker
070106 D nes that/those, there - near addressee(s)
070106 2 D tes that/those, there - anaphoric
070112 U D jaf yon, yonder - distal
120521 U D kwarf 1st - ordinal
070115 ? D plarf next
070207 P D sun whole (entire)
090119 Y D tokm such
070115 ? D wenaf previous

** F ****
070613 2 F bahai ago, up to now
070613 Y F bau now
070127 F cingo in what manner - interrogative
070112 F corsa when - interrogative
070106 F curen how - interrogative (was cu)
111207 W F dingo how (manner) - relative
070106 F duren how (degree) - relative (was du)
070123 F jido ? often - adverb
070123 F pido ? rarely - adverb
111207 W F plau soon
070127 2 F tingo in such a manner - see Satisfactive ....
070106 F turen so - see Satisfactive .... (was tu)

** I ****
080319 P I ah ah, hey, (various)
070612 2 I cau ouch, (various)
080319 Z I loh well, so, behold

** NA ***
070207 P NA baigixa bridegroom
070114 NA baiska son
070114 NA baitse brother
080319 Z NA bandaxme young woman
070120 P NA banje child (young)
110108 T NA banrasna young man
070114 NA brutse orphan
080319 Z NA daxme woman
080414 Q NA denje mind
070207 P NA girgixa bride
070114 NA girose sister
070106 NA gofo dog
070208 P NA gufrasna warrior
070114 NA gyaska daughter
070120 NA herje elder
110108 T NA holje living being
120521 U NA insekta insect
070109 P NA jem person
070106 NA katto cat
110505 4 NA kisno goat
120521 U NA lixo mouse
110505 4 NA loma horse
070114 NA luse "blood" relative
070114 Z NA matse mother
070114 Z NA miska parent
070109 U NA parce bird
070107 NA payatco clown
070123 NA potspa cockroach
070208 P NA rasna man
070114 NA suka child (of)
081103 R NA tauje metaphorical heart
070114 Z NA tetse father
080319 Z NA xtudent student

** NAP **
080319 Z NAP Tahara female name (foreign?)

** NH ***
110108 T NH gorme cloud
110703 X NH gwar water
110703 X NH hoik wave
080319 P NH hume wind
080319 Z NH palme storm
120521 U NH orxa river, stream
110703 X NH roxme ocean, sea
111207 W NH sarme sky
111207 W NH tekme sun
070207 P NH xalme moon

** NI ***
080319 Z NI afkle party, celebration
111207 W NI asna place
110703 X NI auge sound
070114 NI besso today
070114 NI boino wine
081103 R NI brume need, necessity
081103 NI candak liver
110108 T NI caubrus helmet, veiled bonnet
081103 R NI cefkla concern, responsibility
110505 4 NI cerga body, trunk
070612 2 NI cima edge
110505 4 NI daine name
110108 T NI demastu gate
110108 T NI dempek thought, idea
110108 T NI doftek end
120521 U NI faide hill
111207 W NI fesan face, visage
110505 4 NI fesse(t) head
070110 NI fle(t) leaf
070612 2 NI forke foot
110108 T NI fortekla game
070208 P NI fupla trouble
081103 R NI fusbe fault, failing
111207 W NI gicpa mark, blemish
080319 Z NI gint corner
080319 NI gixafkle wedding reception
080319 P NI gixne promise
120521 U NI gliso slope slant
070118 NI grayo cup
120521 U NI gwalno valley
080319 Z NI hanep hemp of any kind
110703 X NI hasse land
090119 Y NI holma life, career
090119 NI hwiski whiskey
110108 T NI isar iron
070207 P NI ista star
110108 T NI jafastu path
080414 Q NI jaikse direction (spatial)
070106 NI jande food
110108 T NI jardinu garden
070118 NI kaffe coffee
110505 4 NI kaistu bridge
070106 NI kloba house
110108 T NI kolo mouth
070207 P NI korilo hazel
110703 X NI krepe ice
070114 NI kwerde beverage
070208 P NI lantke skill
070612 2 NI lofte lake
110703 X NI magma magma
080414 Q NI merfla work, effort
110108 T NI milba smile
080414 Q NI minde plan
111207 W NI moxtin west
080414 Q NI musika music
080414 Q NI narbe voice
080414 Q NI natkun step
080414 Q NI nelebarkla paradox, contradiction
070127 Y NI nigo manner, way
110108 T NI raxin east
070208 P NI rok thing
070612 2 NI rusek rock
110703 X NI sakna harbor
070125 NI seko world
080319 Z NI selba garment
110108 T NI singwe smoke
080319 Z NI sokla situation
070106 P NI wake hand
070106 U NI xofre tree
070208 P NI xolke power
110703 X NI xoro ear
080319 Z NI dosthin bedroom
110201 NI lonthin kitchen
070115 P NI gordo night
090119 Y NI naudo hour
070115 U NI soudo day (24 hours)
120521 U NI swido always; never (with negative)
120521 U NI teido a short time
070115 NI xando day(time)
070207 P NI dofsu year
070207 2 NI xatsu month
080414 Q NI dispaixofkap choreography (dance-writing)
090119 Y NI hentap prediction, prophecy, forecast
080414 Q NI xofkap written record
080414 NI suppi any of - takes partitive complement
080319 Z NI yampi part of - takes partitive complement
070612 2 NI arkai story (of)
080414 Q NI dispai dance (in the sense of ballet number)
070112 P NI lalbai song
070208 P NI cispasse flatland
080612 NI xofrasse woodland
081103 R NI raxmigi virtue
070123 NI telgi color

** NIM **
070208 P NIM folde grain
070208 P NIM hante love
090122 NIM honde ? powder
120521 U NIM lalfa grass
090122 NIM linko ? compassion
070207 P NIM bennigi heat
070207 P NIM buxmigi happiness
070208 P NIM cangi health
070612 2 NIM holgi life
070207 P NIM jesmigi goodness

** NIP **
111207 W NIP Piyan (a name)

** P ****
070106 2 P dema in(side)
080414 ? P ebu back
090119 Y P ja (separative)
070112 P jabo far from
080414 Q P josku except
070107 R P kori about
090119 Y P raf waiting for
070106 P P u at, near
070109 P wadi via - u + adi
070106 P P wix to - u + ix
070109 P P wof from - u + of
120521 U P yok across

** Q ****
070113 P Q j :1 many
070113 Q Q juk :4 much
070123 Q pik :4 small amount
070123 Q py :2* few
080414 Q Q sup :4 any - declined like singular adjective
070207 P Q sw :2 all - plural forms
080414 P Q sw :2 each, every - singular forms
080319 Q yan :3 some of
070106 Q Q kw :2 1 - ku in compounds
070106 U Q nel :3 2
070106 Q ton :3 3
070106 Q pago :2 4
070106 Q uke :2 5
070106 Q sida :2 6
070106 Q sapa :2 7
070106 Q nelgos :3 8
070106 Q kugos :3 9
070106 Q nelke :2 10
070106 Q palke :2 20
070106 Q sirke :2 30
070106 Q nelgoske :2 40
070106 Q xif :4 50

** U2M **
070130 P U2M pald =I rain - Abs is what's rained

** U5I **
070208 P U5I naus =U shade - Abs is what shades!

** V1M **
070208 P V1M rasb =I protect (from)

** V1P **
070107 2 V1P ark =U tell, say
070107 2 V1P camp =U ask
110703 X V1P culp =U bring P to D
070120 V1P dauf =U help
070612 2 V1P ebark =U answer
070207 P V1P hafk =U thank
080319 Z V1P harg =I argue
090119 Y V1P hayog =I prevent, restrain
090119 Y V1P hent =U predict, prophesy, foretell
070118 V1P lasf =I serve
070106 P V1P sof =A give
090119 Y V1P xisnar =A accuse

** V2I **
110703 X V2I brinkw =H endanger

** V2M **
070106 Z V2M kloh =H live in
080414 Q V2M lents =U learn (le + nis)
110703 X V2M yuks =I approach, go toward

** V2P **
090122 V2P aff =N? celebrate (afna, affubor)
080319 P V2P biy =H* cause, make
090119 Y V2P blasn =I censure, reprove, etc.
110108 T V2P byas =A move
080319 Z V2P cofk =I remove, take off (clothing)
070612 2 V2P donk =U hit
070120 2 V2P gah =H* avoid - prohibitive auxiliary
090119 Y V2P gwelc =U kill, murder
110703 X V2P half =U blow
090119 Y V2P honck =I crush, pulverize
110108 T V2P jabl =H discard
070106 V2P jang =I eat
090119 Y V2P josn =I judge
070612 2 V2P kalb =U speak (language)
070115 V2P kelp =U touch
090119 Y V2P kondemn =I condemn
110601 V2P konl =H quote
070114 V2P kwerg =I drink
080414 Q V2P laih =I perform
080319 Z V2P lomp =U run (route)
070125 V2P lont =U cook
080319 2 V2P mark =U lift, pick up
070208 P V2P moxk =U honor
110108 T V2P naph =I twist
070612 2 V2P nat =U walk (route)
110703 X V2P nopl =H fill P with I?
080414 Q V2P peh =H use
110108 T V2P pexk =U carve
070106 V2P polt =U crawl (route)
070612 2 V2P sants =U throw
070120 V2P saxp =U carry
080319 V2P? selh =I wear
070125 Y V2P sold =I leave
110703 X V2P soxn =I push, shove
070208 P V2P tokl =H harvest
110505 4 V2P xekp =I chop, cut
080414 V2P xofk =U write

** V3I **
081103 R V3I gaml =H doubt
081103 R V3I gloh =H understand empathetically
070112 2 V3I hait =U remember
070127 U V3I nis =A know (something)
080414 Q V3I ramp =U believe
080319 Z V3I taup =U feel (emotion)

** V3M **
120521 U V3M bosm =I agree
070114 V3M bruh =H lack
080414 V3M demp =U think
070118 2 V3M grat =U like
070106 2 V3M hox =A want; want to - volitive auxiliary
070111 V3M jeus =U choose
070107 2 V3M ment =U see
070109 V3M min =N intend to - volitive auxiliary
070612 2 V3M mold =I be sure of
070107 P V3M my =H* have ....
070125 V3M raft =U hope
070125 U V3M sep =U wish
070613 U V3M tol =A pass time
070106 2 V3M xars =U hear
080414 ? V3? yarC =? deduce

** V4P **
070109 U V4P as =A go, come
110108 T V4P defkod =I collapse
080414 Q V4P disp =U dance
070120 Z V4P dost =U sleep
080421 U V4P ebas =A return
070127 Z V4P fups =I err, make a mistake
110505 4 V4P gixn =I make vows, marry
070108 Z V4P glef =A fall
110703 X V4P hisk =U rush, hurry
080319 Z V4P kitc =I make a sound
070112 P V4P lalb =I sing
081103 R V4P leik =U behave
070109 U V4P par =A fly
110703 X V4P posalemb =I overflow
080414 Q V4P reld =I turn
070107 V4P rofl =H laugh
080414 Q V4P wasg =I move, gesture
110505 4 V4P yokas =A go across

** V5I **
110703 X V5I blon =U boil
110108 T V5I dak =U stand
110505 4 V5I digr =H signify
080319 Z V5I? singr =H burn (intransitive)

** V5M **
090119 Y V5M tof =A die

** V5P **
070120 V5P cuf =A sneeze
110703 X V5P fisl =H sizzle
110703 X V5P hur =A freeze
110108 T V5P sinsen =N shimmer

** V6I **
070106 V6I bof =A be expected to - modal auxiliary
070110 Y V6I gait =U be possible - modal auxiliary
070110 V6I panj =I be logically necessary - modal auxiliary
070110 V6I rest =U be obligated - modal auxiliary
070131 2 V6I xol =A be able - modal auxiliary

** V7I **
070109 V7I lorr =A* repeat (Iter) - aspectual auxiliary
070111 V7I mais =U continue (Cont) - aspectual auxiliary

** V7P **
070112 Z V7P pauk =U begin (Incp) - aspectual auxiliary
070112 V7P goin =U stop (Paus) - aspectual auxiliary
070112 V7P fasd =I resume (Rsmt) - aspectual auxiliary
070112 V7P doft =U complete (Cess) - aspectual auxiliary
080319 Z V7P gwexk =I abandon, cease
081103 R V7P host =U try, attempt

** V8I **
070123 Y V8I elt =U differ from
070123 ? V8I hib =I same as
070123 Z V8I jad =I seem - like copula

** V8S **
070106 P V8S s =U* Cop

** X ****
070106 Z X bi– - proclitic, causative
080319 P X co– - proclitic, impersonal
070106 P X do– - proclitic, passive 1
070106 Z X e– - proclitic, passive 2
070106 P X ho– - proclitic, antipassive
070106 2 X le– - proclitic, reflexocausative
110508 X ma– - proclitic, respective (?)
070106 Y X kel– - makes spatial relations tangent & temporals immediate
070613 2 X –hai before (temporal)
090119 Y X –hen after (temporal)
070106 X –ren Deg - degree adverb; also –uren
080414 Q X –uren Deg - degree adverb; also –ren
070123 Q X juku very - adverb
090119 Y X mol surely, really, even ....
070123 X piku slightly - adverb
080414 Q X poupo only

* other *

** new **

page started: 2011.Jan.31 Mon
was modified: 2011.Feb.26 Sat
was modified: 2011.Jul.03 Sun
was modified: 2011.Dec.29 Thu
current page: 2012.May.21 Mon
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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