Naisek – A Constructed Language


  1. Clauses and Their Components
    1. Usage of the Cases
    2. Subjects and Objects
    3. Reflexive Clauses
    4. Reciprocal Clauses
    5. Additional Clause Components
  2. Noun Phrases and Modifiers
    1. Genitives
    2. Relative Clauses
    3. The Partitive Construction
    4. Time Expressions
  3. Miscellaneous Syntax
    1. Compound Arguments and Verb Agreement
    2. Negation, Affirmation, and Yes/No Questions
    3. Content Questions
    4. The Copula
    5. Existence
  4. Aspect, Mood, and Tense
    1. Meaning of the Aspects
    2. Usage of the Moods
    3. Specific Uses of the Contrafactual Mood
    4. Commands
    5. Usage of the Tenses
  5. Non-finite Verbs
    1. Participles
    2. Infinitives
    3. Verbal Nouns
    4. Aspects and Compound Verbs
    5. Restoring Arguments to Passive Non-finite Verbs
    6. Objects of Active Trivalent Verbal Nouns
  6. Auxiliary Verb Constructions
    1. Aspectual Auxiliaries
    2. Modal Auxiliaries
    3. Volitive Auxiliaries
    4. Prohibitive Auxiliary
    5. Auxiliaries and Grammatical Voice Proclitics
  7. Subordinate Clauses
    1. Complement Clauses
    2. Embedded Questions
    3. Adjunct Clauses
    4. Purpose Clauses
    5. 3rd Person Pronouns in Subordinate Clauses
  8. Clause Coordination
    1. Compound Sentences
    2. Conditional Sentences

Clauses and Their Components

Usage of the Cases

Note: Possibly, the instrumental case can be used for involuntary agents, in which case there must not be an ergative argument expressed or implied.

Subjects and Objects

Reflexive Clauses

Reciprocal Clauses

Additional Clause Components

Noun Phrases and Modifiers


Relative Clauses

The Partitive Construction

Time Expressions

Miscellaneous Syntax

Compound Arguments and Verb Agreement

Negation, Affirmation, and Yes/No Questions

Content Questions

The Copula

In older forms of the language, two copulas existed: one for transient situations and one for permanent or long-term situations. The transient copula would become the adjectival verb suffix (-Vrb, -(i)t) and the permanent copula would become the sole independent copula (Cop, s-I-i).


Possibly, "belong to" is expressed only with possessive pronouns, not with my "have".

Aspect, Mood, and Tense

Meaning of the Aspects

Usage of the Moods

Specific Uses of the Contrafactual Mood


Usage of the Tenses

Non-finite Verbs



Verbal Nouns

Aspects and Compound Verbs

Restoring Arguments to Passive Non-finite Verbs

Objects of Active Trivalent Verbal Nouns

Auxiliary Verb Constructions

Aspectual Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliaries

Volitive Auxiliaries

Prohibitive Auxiliary

Auxiliaries and Grammatical Voice Proclitics

Subordinate Clauses

Complement Clauses

Embedded Questions

Adjunct Clauses

Purpose Clauses

The conjunction noku is probably a shortened form of the progressive participle of min "intend" plus the -u adverb ending. Thus, purpose clauses are basically adjunct clauses.

3rd Person Pronouns in Subordinate Clauses

Clause Coordination

Compound Sentences

Conditional Sentences

page started: 2007.Jan.02 Tue
was modified: 2008.Jul.03 Thu
current edit: 2011.Dec.29 Thu
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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