Naisek – A Constructed Language

Declension and Related Inflections

This chapter covers the declension of nouns, adjectives, quantifiers, determiners, and pronouns. It also covers other inflections of the same word classes.

  1. Nouns
    1. Noun Declension
    2. Vocative Prefixes
  2. Adjectives
    1. Adjective and Participle Declension
    2. Adverbial and Secondary Predicate Suffixes
    3. Adjective Conjugation
    4. Comparison of Adjectives
  3. Numbers and Quantifiers
    1. Numbers
    2. Quantifier Declension
  4. Pronouns and Determiners
    1. Contrastive 3rd Person Pronouns
    2. Possessive Pronouns


Noun Declension

Noun Declensions
Vowel Stem Consonant Stem Vowel + i Stem
-Abs - -l - -o -i -yo
-Dat -i * -li -i -li -i -ili
-Erg -r -la -a -or -ya -ila
-Gen -m -lum -um -olum -im -ilum
-Par -s -tsu -su/-is * -os -is -yos
-Ins -pe -lpe -(i)pe -olpe -ipe -yolpe
-Tmp -u * -lu -u -lu -yu -ilu

Stem -i -e -a -o -u
-SDat -i -e -ai -we -wi
-STmp -yu -yo -au -o -u

Vocative Prefixes

Ku- and o- might be shortened forms of kam and otum, respectively.


Adjective and Participle Declension

Adjective Declension
Animate Inanimate
-Abs -a -al -i -il
-Dat -ai -ali
-Erg -ar -ala
-Gen -am -alum -im -ilum, -lum
-Par -as -atsu -is -itsu
-Ins -ape -alpe -ipe, -pe -ilpe
-Tmp -yu -ilu

Adverbial and Secondary Predicate Suffixes

Adjective Conjugation

Comparison of Adjectives

Numbers and Quantifiers


Number Stems
Cardinal Ordinal Fractional
1 kwa kwarf
2 nel nelaf netse
3 ton tonaf tontse
4 pago pagorf pagose
5 uke ukerf ukese
6 sida sidarf sidase
7 sapa saparf sapase
8 nelgos nelgosaf nelgose
9 kugos kugosaf kugose
10 nelke nelkerf nelkese
11 nelkeku nelkekurf nelkekuse
12 nelkenel nelkenelaf nelkenetse
20 palke palkerf palkese
30 sirke sirkerf sirkese
40 nelgoske nelgoskerf nelgoskese
50 xif ? xifaf ? xifse ?

Quantifier Declension

Some Number Declensions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Anim. Inan.
-Abs kwa kwi nel ton pago uke sida sapa nelgos kugos nelke
-Dat kwai neli toni pagli uke sidai sapai nelgosi kugosi nelke
-Erg kwar nela tona pagor uker sidar sapar nelgosa kugosa nelker
-Gen kwam kwim nelum tonum pagom ukem sidam sapam nelgosum kugosum nelkem
-Par kwas kwis netsu tontsu pagos ukes sidas sapas nelgosis kugosis nelkes
-Ins kwape kwipe nelpe tompe pagope ukepe sidape sapape nelgospe kugospe nelkepe
-Tmp kuyu nelu tonu paglu ukyo sidau sapau nelgosu kugosu nelkyo

Many and Much
many much few little
Anim. Inan. Anim. Inan.
-Abs jal jil juk pyal pil pik
-Dat jali pyali
-Erg jala pyala
-Gen jalum jilum jukum pyalum pilum pikum
-Par jatsu jitsu juksu pyatsu pitsu piksu
-Ins jalpe jilpe jukpe pyalpe pilpe pikpe
-Tmp jilu juku pilu piku

Pronouns and Determiners

Personal Pronoun Declensions
1S 1XP 1NP 2S 2P 3AS 3AP 3IS 3IP Rfx Rcp Uns Nul
-Abs ku ko bo nu no ta tal ti til fu fal o gau
-Dat ki koi boi ni noi tai tali fi fali oti gauti
-Erg ka kor bor na nor tar tala fa (ota) (gauta)
-Gen kam kalum balum nam nalum tam talum tim tilum fam falum otum gautum
-Par (kas) katsu batsu (nas) natsu (tas) tatsu tis titsu (fas) otsu gautsu
-Ins kape kalpe balpe nape nalpe tape talpe tipe tilpe fape oppe gauppe
-Tmp tiu ? tilu otu gautu

Contrastive 3rd Person Pronouns

Contrastive 3rd Person Pronouns
-Abs ba bayo gya gyal
-Dat bai baili gyai gyali
-Erg baya baila gyar gyala
-Gen baim bailum gyam gyalum
-Par bayos gyatsu
-Ins baipe bayolpe gyape gyalpe

Possessive Pronouns

page started: 2007.Jan.02 Tue
was modified: 2008.Jun.22 Sun
current page: 2011.Dec.29 Thu
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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