CONLANG Translation Relay 16

gjâ-zym-byn (Ring B)

Jim Henry Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 3:21 PM

== gjâ-zym-byn text ==

sun i, fâ-ŋĭw mĭ-i ₣ĭ-gô heŋ ŋĭn-i; wǒn jâ-purj hĭ-bô i, ƥ dâm-ř râ-van ryň mĭ-i, gâ lǒ mĭ-i râ sâ-cô-fwa krĭ-o gân-van.

!wǒn ť ĉi purj pe ť ŝu-i ryň ĥy-i ĉâm-ť-zô mwe, wǒj dlâw-ť-van heŋ kĭ-zô hǒŋ ť sâm-i mâ ʝǒ mĭ-i.

wǒj sâm-cô-van mâ ʝǒ mĭ-i, ƥ ŝu-i ru ryň-zla-za mĭ-i hu pǒ ŋĭn-i mwe.

== Smooth English translation from mabri ==

In the end, the untrustworthiness of the soul brings forth actions under difficult conditions, causing evil.

So change your own conditions and behavior, because you need not consider other people the same as yourself.

Because of this, their way of life must be as it is.

== Smooth English translation from gjâ-zym-byn ==

In the end, the emotional faculty is unreliable; thus in difficult circumstances, actions result from it which cause evil events.

So gradually change your environment and your actions, because you do not need to consider other people the same as you.

Because different people are dissimilar, their way of doing things must have this nature.

== Grammar overview ==

gjâ-zym-byn (gzb) is an agglutinative language, fairly minimalistic lexically, which leads to some long and sometimes not perfectly perspicuous compounds. In the glossary I've listed mostly only the root words, particles and suffixes, but also listed a few compounds used in the text where they seemed especially hard to guess from the component morphemes. Feel free to email asking for help, or look at the online lexicon.

Root words are nominal, and are turned into verbs and modifiers -- also postpositions and conjunctions — with appropriate suffixes. Compound postpostions, used to mark case roles, are formed using one of the core spacetime postpositions {i, o, ř} as a suffix on a root word for the appropriate abstract concept. I've listed a few of the most abstract compound postpositions in the glossary; others should be clear enough from their component morphemes.

The only verb suffixes used in the text are {-zô} and {-van}. {-zô} marks an active (and agentive) verb. {-van} marks a stative (but not necessarily non-agentive) verb.

Number is not obligatorily marked on nouns; {} by itself could mean either "person" or "people" for instance.

Typical word order is OVS, but varies since subjects and objects are marked fairly explicity for theta roles with postpositions. Postpositional phrases almost always precede what they modify. Most complements tend to precede the direct object and verb. If the subject is at the end of a clause or sentence, the subject postposition can be omitted. gjâ-zym-byn allows for omitting the subject when it is the same as in the previous sentence.

Punctuation: all sentences end in a period. The exclamation point ! marks an imperative sentence.

== Glossary ==

suff. derives quality noun -> adjective
suff. opposite, reverse, contradictory quality
ĉâm n. evolutionary, gradual change
ĉi postp. around, surrounding
dâm n. origin; authorship; source
dlâw n. duty, obligation, need (personal)
n. love, friendliness, affection
fwa suff. causative suffix
₣ĭ n. trust, confidence, reliance, faith
n. thing
gân n. cause
suff. deserving ~, worthy of ~; ought to have ~ done to it
heŋ mod. not; no
n. difficulty
hǒŋ conj. that (introduces subordinate clauses)
hu n. essence, nature, set of essential qualities
ĥy n. patient, thing acted on
i postp. at, with, during, near
n. role, state, form
ʝǒ mod. other, another
ĵy n. need; requirement; necessity
kĭ-zô v. deem, consider, regarding as having certain qualities
krĭ n. creating, causing, resulting
krĭ-o postp. resultative case marker
mod. relativizer; who, which...
n. person
n. topic, subject, theme
mĭ-i postp. topic marker
mwe mod. must; imperative, hortative, optative adverb
ŋĭn n. comment, explanation, description
ŋĭn-i postp. comment marker
ŋĭw n. mental/spiritual faculty or body part
pe conj. and
dem. remote demonstrative; that
ƥ pron. he, she, they
purj n. environment, surroundings, local region; situation, circumstances
n. occurrence, happening, event, process
ř postp. out of, away from
ru n. method, way, manner, style
ryň n. act, action, deed, doing
n. moral approval
sâm n. sameness, exact identity in some important respect
sun n. finish, ending, conclusion
ŝu-i n. of (genitive for inherent qualities)
ť pron. you, y'all
van suff. stative verb suffix
wǒj conj. because
wǒn conj. therefore; thus
za suff. pertaining to ~
zla suff. the set of all ~ in existence, or in a given context
suff. active verb suffix

== Abbreviations ==

conj. conjunction
dem. demonstrative
mod. modifier (adjective/adverb)
n. noun
postp. postposition
pron. pronoun
suff. suffix

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page started: 2008.Dec.07 Sun
last modified: 2008.Dec.09 Tue
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Jim Henry.