Clayton Cardoso |
bran | v. | to need, must. |
bru | n. | doing, deed. |
bwin | v. | to consider, to view as. |
do | n. | time. |
dje | n. | situation, condition. |
djo | counter | more than one, several (marks the plural). |
du | prep. | in a state/process of (introduces an adjectival phrase). |
ga | prep. | of. |
gatwi | prep. | about. |
ge | n. | behaviour. |
gelyaku | n. | moral badness. |
giku | n. | difficulty; du giku adj. difficult. |
grun | v. | to change. |
hi | n. | importance; du hi adj. important. |
hwa | conj. | and. |
jaja | counter | a large number/quantity/intensity. |
joku | n. | end. |
ka | n. | this. |
kavren | v. | bring. |
kyu | particle | (marks the imperative mood). |
ku | particle | not, non-. |
ladjo | n. | they. |
le | n. | sameness; du le adj. same. |
leku | n. | difference du leku adj. different. |
len | v. | to be the same as. |
ou | n. | trustworthiness; ku ou n. untrustworthiness. |
plu | counter | more, a larger number/quantity/intensity. |
po | conj. | as, at, to, by (verb)-ing (introduces an adverbial phrase or an indirect object). |
pobwi | conj. | in comparison to. |
pori | conj. | because, because of. |
ron | v. | to exist. |
shiku | n. | life. |
shon | v. | to cause. |
so | n. | soul. |
taze | n. | you. |
vla | n. | oneself (or any variant, such as myself etc. depending on the subject). |
ze. | n. | person. |
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page started: 2008.Dec.07 Sun
last modified: 2008.Dec.07 Sun
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Clayton Cardoso.