CONLANG Translation Relay 16

Xara (Ring A)

Jim Taylor

Smooth English

He who follows a religion struggles with life in terms of morality.
He will always have a limit upon his soul.


Text in Xara Syllabics
xeye munirer si a toparas, seye rugaleyilir jeredar a sumas to kod oremenar.
salajer xian morolar na xulas geon.


a - present tense indicator (part.)
geon - always (adv.)
jered - life (n.)
kod - custom, practice (n.)
morol - soul, spirit (n.)
munir - religion (n.)
na - future tense indicator(part.)
oremen - behaviour, conduct (n.)
rugaleyil - difficulty (n.)
salaj - limit, boundary (n.)
seye - demonstrative singular pronoun (prn.)
si - continuous / relitive-clause verb indicator (part.)
sum - come, + dat: come across, encounter (v.)
to - concerning, about (prep.)
topar - follow, engage in (regime, diet system etc.) (v.)
xeye - relitive singular pronoun (prn.)
xian - certain, sure, definite (adj.)
xul - have, possess (v.)


(adj.) - adjective
(adv.) - adverb
(n.) - noun
(part.) - particle
(prep.) - preposition
(pron.) - pronoun
(v.) - verb


The vowels a e i o u are pure as in Spanish
The consonants are pronounced as in English with the following exceptions

t, d are more dental as in Spanish or French
r is lightly rolled
j is pronounced as in French
x is pronounced `sh'

Stress in on the first syllable of words with more than two syllables and on the second syllable of two syllable words


Commas, full stops etc. are used as in English.

Capital letters are only used for proper names.


Articles: the definite and indefinite arrticles `the' and `a/ an'are not used in Xara

Nouns: declined; the following case suffixes are used in the above text

(no ending) - nominative singular
-er - accusative singular
-ar - genitive singular
-ir - dative singular

Prepositions: used with the nominative case

Pronouns: declined as nouns; the following case suffix is used in the above text

-ye - nominative singular

Adjectives: mostly and in -an. They follow the noun they qualify and do not decline or change for case or number.

Verbs: conjugated as follows
mood indicator (if used) - tense indicator - verb stem - personal pronoun ending
In the above text the following personal pronoun ending is used

-as - 3rd person singular

The mood indicator `si', as well as indicating continuous action is also used in all relative clauses. In this case it does not necessarily indicate continous action, merely that the verb belongs to the relative clause.

Adverbs: follow the verb they qualify


The usual word oder is as follows:
subject - object - verb - adverb

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page started: 2008.Dec.04 Thu
last modified: 2008.Dec.04 Thu
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Jim Taylor.