CONLANG Translation Relay 16

Pilovese (Ring A)

Scotto Hlad Thu, 30 Oct 2008 22:35:17 -0600

Pilovese Text

Li un qui seze sinha rilezioun i rine una cres di sinha criheca a simir una mougi ipretala santa.

Smooth English

The one who follows his religion and encounters a crisis in his belief always has a healthy spiritual boundry.


Pilovese is a Romance language. Its normal word order is SVO and modifiers follow their antecedents. All nouns must stand with an article (definite or indefinite) or a possessive adjective. There are two genders: masculine and feminine.

Definite Articles
Masc singluar: li, plural: lis
Feminine singular: la, plural: las

Indefinite articles
Masculine singular: un, plural: unis
Feminine singular: unas, plural: unas

Verbs are inflected in 3 different conjugations, but only one conjugation, –ir, exists in this text. As the formal second person pronouns disappeared in modern Pilovese (as in Brasilian Portuguese), the second person and third person are inflected identically.


Verb conjugations shown below are:
1st singluar, 2nd & 3rd singular, 1st plural, 2nd & 3rd plural

Example: avrir (regular –ir verb)
Present: avrou, avre, avroum, avren

Irregular Verb: aver
Present: aou, a, oum, an

Personal pronouns

Singular: jo, viz, elh, elha (I, you, he, she)
Plural: nous, viza, elhis, elhas (we, you, they-masc, they-fem)

Possessive adjectives

1st singular: mihn
2nd & 3rd singular: sinh
1st plural: nosir
2nd & 3rd plural: lhour

Adjective endings

Masculine singular: no ending
Masculine plural: -s after vowel, -is after consonant
Feminine singular: -a
Feminine plural: -s after vowel, -as after consonant


aver – verb: to have
cres – noun feminine: crisis
criheca – noun feminine: belief, faith
di – preposition: of, from
i – conjunction: and
ipretal – adjective: spiritual
mougi – noun, feminine: barrier, border, boundry, fence
qui – relative pronoun
rilezioun – noun, feminine: religion, system of belief
rinir – verb: to meet
sant – adjective: clean, healthy
sezir – verb: to follow
simir – adverb: always

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page started: 2008.Dec.04 Thu
last modified: 2008.Dec.27 Sat
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Scotto Hlad.