CONLANG Translation Relay 16

West Germanic (Ring A)

Sean Carl Anderson Fri, 31 Oct 2008 14:43:14 -0000

West Germanic Text

Man„ tąt fǫlgę his halaɉnesǫn ǫnd met rįdęlǫn his jeléveęnę ąltid hąf jesųnd gastliŧ rimeǫn.

NOTE: the punctuation following 'man' is a double comma and not a quotation mark. Its functions are not important in this text.


West Germanic is derived mostly from Old English, with more complex words significantly influenced by the Anglish form of Modern English constrained writing in addition to OE cognates with foreign words, and the usage of vocabulary/grammar influenced greatly by Dutch and German.



There is no indefinite article. The definite article is 'tąt' for neuter words. Since grammatical gender corresponds directly to biological gender in West Germanic, you will only encounter the neuter in this text.

Adjectives/adverbs aren't inflected.


Where there is no article, the nouns themselves are inflected to show case.

Nominative: no inflexion
Accusative: -ǫn
Genitive: -ęnę
Dative/instrumental: -ųm

Word order

The word order is mostly V2 (verb-second), but it can be free, especially where stylistics or emphasis are concerned.


The infinitive ends in -ǫn or -iǫn, and the supine and imperative are identical to this form. There is no inflexion for grammatical person and, although there is for tense, only the present indicative is found in the text.


ąltid - adverb: always
foljiǫn - verb: to follow
gastliŧ - adjective: spiritual
hąbǫn - verb: to have
halaɉnes - noun: religion, holiness
his - possessive adjective: his
jelévę - noun: belief
jesųnd - adjective: healthy
man - pronoun: one
metǫn - verb: to meet
ǫnd - conjunction: and
rįdęl - noun: sieve, crisis
rimę - noun: rim, border, barrier, boundary
tąt - definite article: the/relative pronoun (nominative): that, who

Smooth English

One who follows his religion and meets a crisis of his belief always has a healthy spiritual barrier.


ąltid - Old English 'eal'+'tid' < Dutch 'altijd'
foljiǫn - Old English 'folgian'
gastliŧ - Old English 'gastlic'
hąbǫn - Old English 'habban'
halaɉnes - Old English 'halignes'
his - Old English 'his'
jelévę - Old English 'geleafa' < Dutch 'geloof'
jesųnd - Old English 'gesund'
man - Old English 'man'
metǫn - Old English 'metan'
ǫnd - Old English 'and'
rįdęl - Old English 'hriddel' ('sieve') < Greek 'krisis' < 'krinein' ('to separate, decide, judge') < PIE '*krei-' ('to sieve, discriminate, distinguish'), cognate with Old English 'hriddel'
rimę - Old English 'rima'
tąt - Old English 'þæt'

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page started: 2008.Dec.04 Thu
last modified: 2008.Dec.04 Thu
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Sean Carl Anderson.