CONLANG Translation Relay 16

Rokbeigalmki (Ring A)

Steg Belsky Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 3:11 PM

Rokbeigalmki Text

Mald-a ooloi-dume tzuh dathãbm -- ihkh uhzii-zelb sa'purajhmos, iltao tzuh dathãb uzii-datãb uhsh ya'datãb ailtzki sa'taayap-a.

Smooth Translation

A human being who follows their beliefs -- if they encounter tragedy, their faith will always heal them at the edge, with life-force healing.


| = affix with no orthographic connector
- = this affix is connected by a dash
' = this affix is connected by an apostrophe

-A = definite article
AILTZ = n. 'soul, power, life-force'
DA| = [causative prefix]
DA|TÃB = v. 'heal'; n. 'treatment, healing'
DA|THÃB = v. 'trust, believe, put faith in'; n. 'trust, belief'
DUME = v. 'follow'; n. 'succession'
IHKH = 'if'
(|)II- = [future/irrealis tense]
ILTAO = 'always, forever'
|KI = [adjective-of-identity suffix]
|M = [plural suffix]
MALD = n. 'human being'
(|)OI- = [present-routine tense marker]
OOL| = [adjectiverb prefix]
|P = [place]
PURAJHMOS = n. 'tragedy, catastrophe'
SA' = 'next to, with, together with, mutually, nearby, near, by indirect means of, alongside, located at'
TÃB = v. 'recover, be healthy'; n. 'health, recovery'
TAAYA = v. 'set boundaries, limit, delineate'; n. 'limit'
THÃB = v. 'be trustworthy, keep faith'; n. 'trustworthiness'
TZUH = third person singular epicene/animate posessive
UHSH = third person singular epicene/animate object pronoun
UHZ(|) = third person singular epicene/animate subject pronoun
UZ(|) = third person singular neuter subject pronoun
YA' = 'by, by direct means of'
ZELB = v. 'meet, encounter'; n. 'encounter'


1. Rokbeigalmki has no indefinite article, just a definite one.
   WAJU = 'a house'
   WAJU-A = 'the house'

2. Rokbeigalmki is a mostly agglutinative language which works by adding affixes.
   MANOI = 'eat'
   DA|MANOI = 'feed'
   MANOI-AD = 'be eaten'

3. Adjectives can precede or follow the nouns they modify; when following, they must agree with the noun in terns of definiteness, number, and gender. When preceding, they do not need to. If the noun is definite, any adjectives must follow it.
   YÃMIL|KI O-MALD = 'a northern man'
   O-MALD O-YÃMIL|KI = 'a northern man'
   O-MALD-A O-YÃMIL|KI-A = 'the northern man'

4. Rokbeigalmki makes use of case-prefixes, all of which follow the phonetic form Consonant-/a/-'. However, they can be compounded with each other, and when this happens they detach and the second prefix assumes its long form, with /Or/ instead of /a/.
   TA' = 'in'
   NGA' = 'from'
   NGA'TAUR = 'from inside, (motion) out of'

5. To take a Rokbeigalmki 'verb-noun root' and conjugate it as a verb, a 'subject-tense complex' is added. This is formed out of a pronoun and a prefix that marks the tense of the verb.
   OZ = 'he'
   (|)U- = (past tense)
   FARIT = n./v. 'jump'
   OZU-FARIT = 'he jumped'

6. The 'adjective-verb' (or 'adjectiverb' for short) prefix can be used to describe a noun with a time-dependent verbal adjective. This prefix uses the same verbal tense markers as verbs. Unlike regular adjectives, adjective-verbs do not agree with their nouns even though they can only follow them.
   SLYITHL = 'snake'
   DA|MET = (v) 'kill' (MET = 'die')
   SLYITHL-A SUD|DAMET-A = 'the deadly snake'
   SLYITHL-A OOL|OI-DAMET = 'the snake which kills'
   SLYITHL-A OOL|U-DAMET = 'the snake that has killed'

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page started: 2008.Dec.04 Thu
last modified: 2008.Dec.12 Fri
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Steg Belsky.