CONLANG Translation Relay 16

Silindion (Ring B)

Elliott Lash Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 7:56 PM

Silindion Text

Manda vapheinda eséindëa i hwanteilya po i vangannássëa verni idornavi, inena kumbivë.
Veskë vëassa ranilë ássëalya – menna en dinnu naksi peirsiellorya.
Ëan rásseirya líntië óitio lintulim, sinë vë vor.

Smooth English

In the end, betrayal of the soul will bring your actions to the very breaking point, resulting in error.
Change the manner that you behave yourself, for everything should not be taken as pertaining to yourself.
Your behavior is more important than life as such.


(Nouns in nominative case, Verbs in root form)

assë self (ay-stem noun)
ay- be (ay-stem verb)
dê- deem, judge (ê-stem verb)
e- do not (e-stem verb)
eseina soul (d-stem gerund)
fanta action, deed (a-stem noun)
i the
idornavi at last, in the end, finally
kumbiva error, fault (a-stem noun)
lintu life (u-stem noun)
maD- bring (D-stem verb)
menna because, for, since
naksi everything, everyone, all (i-stem noun)
ne[l]- give (augment-stem noun)
oitu important, central, middle, main (adjective)
peirsay- pertain to, include, comprise, encompass (ay-stem verb)
po upto, onto (resultative, i.e. implies arrival at a destination)
ra[n]- hold (augment-stem verb)
rássë behavior (ay-stem noun)
sinë such that, so, therefore
vanga jagged peak, point (a-stem noun)
vapheinda evil-delivery, betrayal (a-stem noun)
vëassa how (relative; + subjunctive)
verni true, very, real (adjective)
vesk- change (sk-stem verb)
vow- exist, be (w-stem verb)

Note on Vocab

[consonant] indicates an augmented stem.
capitals at the end of verbs indicate a changeable stem.


-(a)n accusative case
-(n)dëa adjectival gerund
-(n)nu necessitive gerund
-a- present thematic formant (for roots with -a-)
2nd singular imperative
-ello infinite
-i essive
-i future
-i subjunctive
i-…-na conjunctive gerund
-ië adjectival case
-io comparative
-lë 2nd singular
-lim ablative case
-lya your
-n(a) 3rd singular present
-nna allative
-r 3rd singular present
-rya x’s own (reflexive possessive)
-ssëa their

Sound/Orthography Changes

d + n > nd
a + i > ei (ë)
ê > i   (when surrounded by consonants)
ay + e > ie
ë > ei (when before consonant)
u + i > i
n + l > l
ay + a > ëa


This happens between words when one word ends in a vowel and the next begins in a consonant.

example:            f > hw

Grammar Notes

Noun Declension: It's best if you refer here:  (case usage is also found on the Frathwiki page below)

Verb Declension: You can refer here for some fragmentary information:

However, in general:  The indicative present is usually formed by adding a vowel to the base(called the thematic vowel). This is a copy of the root vowel.   Hence, root -i- verbs add -i to the base. The present conveys simple present time, progressive present or future. Some verbs are athematic, this means that a personal ending is added right to the root.

The subjunctive present is formed by adding -i to any base, regardless of the vowel of the root.  The subjunctive conveys the meaning 'may' or is translated by a basic present form of the verb after certain particles or relative words.

After all of the above tense/mood formants, the pronominal endings can be added.

The adjectival gerund is formed with the suffix  -(n)dëa  (really the adjectival case of the gerund ending -na). It basically translates as the -ing form of the verb. But, can be used to form various other types of deverbal adjectives. Unlike the present participle suffix (which is unused here), the adjectival gerund can take arguments. For some gerunds (such as eseina), the verbal meaning has been completely bleached.

Order is roughly VSO, although S is usually expressed as a personal ending on the verb.

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page started: 2008.Dec.07 Sun
last modified: 2008.Dec.07 Sun
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Elliott Lash.