First: | Dec04 Original |
Ring B previous: | Tulvan |
My lion cub had used up all his patience.
I thought the lion cub was less large than it had been.
He worried me whenever Tomas was opening beer barrels.
"Eva, do you think that this is your shroud?"
"I'm wondering whether he can find Tomas in the corner market," I said.
"That's not a beer barrel; Tomas is a person," she said.
The lion cub was eating that fish.
I think that Tomas isn't a person.
The lion cub was given the fish by Tomas.
nicuxrinaš sexrizgux destak mrebotek pi sitek.
sesan cuxrinaš bidrafok pi bosentes.
tmasu zufus calgini gozelok 'an niflustek.
'efa ba, si megu bufrašši hik pi bosenon če kwa.
mičxo reptu dal tmas šnuk pi zegok čepi hwežos kwa pertes.
tu megu zufus calgini wahik; tmasu bani hak kwa pertesko.
cuxrinaš tu war pnučok pi sitek.
tmasu bani wahak pi bosenos.
cuxrinat war tmasu žuktesko.
The sequences iy, ey, aw, and uw lose the glide except before a vowel.
Word classes appearing are verbs, nouns, and particles.
Verb stems have up to 4 consonants and requiring vowel insertions to be complete.
Where necessary to break up clusters,
ni- | 1st person singular possessor |
bu- | 2nd person singular possessor |
-0 | singular accusative (most stems) |
-i | non-referential accusative (consonant stems) |
-o | singular accusative (some stems) |
-s | non-referential genitive (vowel stems) |
-š | singular nominative (vowel stems) |
-t | singular locative (vowel stems) |
-u | singular nominative (consonant stems) |
-x | singular genitive (vowel stems) |
-xo | singular genitive (consonant stems) |
bi- | smaller quantity (= degree for scalar verb) |
ni- | 1st person singular object |
se- | reflexive |
These are inserted before the last consonant of the root or stem, but follow the single consonant of the copula.
<a> | passive, animate subject |
<e> | active, inanimate object |
<i> | passive, inanimate subject |
<u> | active, animate object |
-0 | non-finite, present tense |
-k | finite, 3rd person subject (or any plural) |
-n | finite, 2nd person singular subject |
-o | finite, present tense |
-s | finite, 1st person singular subject |
-sko | finite, 3rd person subject (or any plural) + direct evidential |
-te | past tense |
Tense precedes the subject person.
Argument phrases precede the verb and conjunctions follow. The most topical argument appears first; the last argument may be the focus. An accusative phrase with a passive verb specifies a location. Nouns follow their modifiers. If no determiner appears, the phrase is definite, unless the noun is non-referential. Direct quotations have a terminating particle but not a beginning particle.
NA | noun, animate |
NAP | noun, animate, proper |
NI | noun, inanimate |
NIM | noun, inanimate, mass |
VA | verb, actional |
VD | verb, ditransitive |
VR | verb, relational |
VS | verb, descriptive |
VT | verb, transitive |
VX | verb, other |
conj | conjunction |
det | determiner |
post | postposition |
ba | post | (VOC vocative) |
ban | NA | person |
bsn | VT | believe, think |
calgin | NI | barrel |
cuxrina | NA | lion cub |
čepi | conj | whether |
destak | NIM | everything |
dl | VR | in |
drf | VS | large in volume |
fls | VT | worry |
frašši | NI | shroud |
gzl | VS | open |
h | VX | be (COP) |
hwž | VA | wonder |
mego | NI | thing |
mič | NI | corner |
mrb | VT | use up, consume |
pi | conj | (CPL terminates complement clause) |
pnč | VT | eat |
pr | VD | tell, say |
reptu | NI | market |
si | det | this |
šnk | VT | find |
tmas | NAP | Tomas (man's name) |
tu | det | that |
war | NA | fish |
xrizgu | NIM | patience |
zg | VX | can, able, possible (PP) |
zufu | NIM | beer |
žk | VD | give |
'an | conj | when[ever], while, after, before (TMP) |
'efa | NAP | Eva |
page started: 2018.Feb.05 Mon
current date: 2018.Feb.05 Mon
content and form originated by qiihoskeh
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