CONLANG Translation Relay 16

Limciela (Ring C)

Jim Taylor

Smooth English Translation

It is true wisdom for someone to show sinners tolerance and compassion. He who does this does so in the full recognition of such a person. He must try to show tolerance and compassion towards any sin. This is the most necessary requirement of the heart. Only a few people seek that which they believe to know. I myself am not sure.

Limciela Text

Es la prudémic vera pro una persona a monstrár la patìémic e la compáic a li devitórs. Lo pi facie eic lé facie in la reconíc completa de tala persona. Deve probár a monstrár la patìémic e la compáic a palp devít. Eic es le neciesarisim postulát de le cord. Solàmém uli paucas personas ciercan lò pe creden a sabér, Eo nom som secúr.


Limciela is a fairly conservative modern romance language.

There are two genders: masculine and feminine Most masculine nouns end in a consonant and most feminine nouns end in –a. The plural is usually indicated with the addition of –s (or sometimes –es)

The articles used in this test are as follows:
le – definitie article masculine singular
la – definite article feminine singular
li – definite article plural
una – indefinite article feminine singular
uli – indefinite article plural

As with other romance languages, more use is made of the definite article than in English.

Adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they qualify and are usually placed alter the noun. The most common used endings are as follows:

(no ending) – masculine singular
-a – feminine singular
-es – masculine plural
-as, or -es – feminine plural

In the above text the superlative masculine singular ending -isim is also used. Adverbs are made by adding the ending –mém to the feminine singular form of the adjective. The following pronouns are used in the above text:

eo – first person singular subject pronoun
lo – third person masculine singular subject pronoun
– third person singular object pronoun
eic – demonstrative pronoun (this)
– demonstrative pronoun (that)
pi – relative pronoun (for people)
pe – relative pronoun (for things)

Verbs are fully conjugated. The following forms of the irregular verb ‘esér’ – ‘to be’ are used in the text:

som – first person singular present tense
es – third person singular present tense

The following forms are used for other verbs in the text:

First conjugation:
-ár – infinitive
-an – third person plural present tense

Second conjugation:
-ér – infinitive
-e – third person singular present tense
-en – third person plural present tense

Subject pronouns are only used with verbs to emphasise the subject.


a – to, towards
a (+infinitivo) – to, in order to
ciercár – seek, search (v.)
compáic – compassion (n.)
complet – complete, full (adj.)
cord – heart (n.)
credér – believe (v.)
de – of (prep.)
devér – must, have to (v.)
devít – sin, wrongdoing (n.)
devitór – sinner, wrongdoer (n.)
e – and (conj.)
faciér – do make (v.)
in – in (prep.)
monstrár – show, demonstrate (v.)
neciesari – necessary (adj.)
nom – not (part.)
palp – any (adj.)
patìémic – tolerance (n.)
pauc – few (adj.)
persona – person (n.)
postulát – requirement (n.)
pro – for (prep.)
probár – try (v.)
prudémic – wisdom (n.)
reconíc – recognition (n.)
sabér – know (v.)
secúr – sure, certain (adj.)
sol – only (adj.)
tal – such (adj.)
ver – true (adj.)


(n.) – noun
(adj.) – adjective
(v.) – verb
(prep.) – preposition
(conj.) – conjunction
(part.) – particle

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page started: 2008.Dec.01 Mon
last modified: 2008.Dec.09 Tue
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Jim Taylor.