CONLANG Translation Relay 16

Kēlen (Ring C)

Sylvia Sotomayor Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 1:04 PM

Also this text contains the following unicode characters:

ē     e-macron
ñ     n-tilde
ā     a-macron
ī      i-macron
ō     o-macron
ū     u-macron
þ     thorn
ŋ     eng

Kēlen Text

ē ñanta jekēreni ā mēlien lenārre ī ñi jahēnāri ā jekēren;
tō lenārre jakūña tō lenārre jasīþa
tō jāo ñanta jakāe jacēhi nīkan jahēnāri ānen anēŋŋeta
tōnaren santa anwōli honahan mo jekēren alxien;


alxien [clausal modifier] indicates an unexpected thought or incident
ā [case marker] indicates agent
ānen [preposition] + stative indicates adverbial phrase
-cēh- [noun] 'attempt, try'
-ekēren- [noun] 'religion, religious'
-enārr- [noun] 'soul, spirit'
ē [conjunction] 'and'
-ēl- [noun] 'person, human being'
-ēŋŋet- [noun] 'steadfastness, determination'
honahan [pronoun] 'any kind of, any manner of, any amount of'
-hēnār- [noun] 'right, correct, proper'
ī [conjunction] 'and also'
-kā- [noun] 'deed, act'
-kūñ- [noun] 'need, necessity'
mo [case marker] indicates goal, recipient, or beneficiary
nīkan [preposition] 'together with, in conjunction with'
ñanta [inflected relational] ñi + 1p.inclusive.plural agent
ñi [relational] indicates a new object or a new state in its object
santa [inflected relational] se + 1p.inclusive.plural source
se [relational] indicates a transacted or experienced object
-sīþ- [noun] 'vigor, vitality'
[conjunction] 'because, because of'
tō jāo    [conjunction] 'therefore, because of this'
tōnaren   [conjunction] 'however, even though'
-wōl- [noun] 'doubt, disbelief'


Basic Sentence Structure

[[conjunction] [[[relational] [noun/object or relational]] [other phrases] [clausal modifier]]]

Noun Inflections

Nouns are animate or inanimate or stative (indicate states or abstractions).
Nouns are singular, plural, or collective.

animate inanimate stative
sg m-N-a/e/0 j-N-a/e/0 an-N-a/e/0
pl m-N-ien j-N-i
coll m-N-i an-N-i

-i becomes -e after a/ā

Some nouns are obligatorily possessed. These do not inflect for number.
These are also considered to be the equivalent of inanimate singular for agreement purposes.

l/le- possessed by 1p
r/ri- possessed by 2p
s/sa- possessed by 3p

Two nouns in apposition with the same inflection refer to the same entity.
Two nouns in apposition with different inflections refer to a whole and its part.

; indicates the end of a sentence.

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page started: 2008.Nov.28 Fri
last modified: 2008.Dec.09 Tue
form originated by qiihoskeh;
content copyright Sylvia Sotomayor.