Feb16/V1 –  A Constructed Language

Feb16/V1 Introduction and Table of Contents

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, «apa», -Tags-, and "Glosses".


This is an artlang and yet another sketch inspired by Pete Bleackley's iljena, similar to Feb06, with influences from Srikanth's Lin and some others.

There's no phonetic orthography or pronunciation code; the characters used have been selected to avoid the shift key. Shockingly, the space character is a word separator. Morphology is concatenative, unlike Feb06. Each word consists of a noun, a verb, and possibly a particle; these are all alphanumeric and are preceded and separated by special symbols. There will be a small basic lexicon which can be extended arbitrarily.

Person Terminology

Table of Contents

page started: 2022.Feb.18 Fri
current date: 2022.Feb.27 Sun
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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