Feb16/V1 –  A Constructed Language

Feb16/V1 Derivational Morphology

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, «apa», -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Verb Classification

Action Type Classes

When the tense-mood-aspect of a word with no particle is omitted, relative realis non-perfect is used. The table shows the interpretation of this for each class under Default. In an absolute present context, the aoristic becomes absolute past; otherwise, the tense-mood-aspect is relative present.

Action Type Classes
Label Name Default Examples Group
V_N Inherent permanent "mother", "hand" Inherent
V_B Binary stative "see", "in", "here" State
V_S Scalar stative "hot"
V_C Culminating progressive "cook" Process
V_U Unitizable progressive "walk", "eat"
V_E Event aoristic "break" Event

Argument Structure Classes

Each verb belongs to an argument structure class. The classes are mostly the same syntactically, but differ semantically. There are 3 argument roles: alpha, beta, and gamma, such that alpha > beta (see Voice).

Argument Structure Classes
Label Name Gamma Role Beta Role Alpha Role Examples
V1_ Quantity - Quantified - "16"
V2_ Descriptive - Descriptee Cause "hot"
Actional - Route Actor "walk"
Relational - Location Locatee "in"
Possessive - Possessum Possessor "mother"
Perceptual - Target Experiencer "see"
Transitive - Patient Agent "eat"
V3_ Trivalent Reported Text Addressee Speaker "say"

General Derivation

Single Digit Usage

These apply only to nouns and verbs ending in letters.

Single Digit Suffixes
Digit After Noun After Verb
0 negation negation
1 mass -> count [1] Verb-to-Verb
2 dual or pair
3 plural or collective
4 possessor[2]
5 gender override Verb-to-Noun
8 -
9 - scalar tolerance
[1] + measurement unit root
[2] Noun-to-Noun Derivation

Verb-to-Verb Derivations

Verb-to-Verb Derivations
Suffix Name Description Base Type Result Type
1 Singulative a single unit of the process Unitizable Event
1 Inceptive the start of the process Culminating Event
1 Inceptive Scalar Event
2 Culminative the end of the process Culminating Event
2 Culminative Scalar Event
3 Inchoative entry to the state Scalar, some Binary Culminating
3 Autocausative (lexical) some Binary Culminating
4 Originative exit from the state Binary Culminating

Verb-to-Noun Derivations

Verb-to-Noun Derivations
Suffix Name Gender Base
5 Animate animate some verbs
6 Inanimate inanimate
7 Location location
8a Agent animate most verbs
8i Instrument inanimate
8l Location location
8p Patient animate or inanimate
8r Product inanimate

Noun-to-Noun Derivations

Most nouns take the numeric number suffixes shown in the Single Digit Usage table. However, if the noun itself is numeric, d is used for dual and p for plural, e.g. 1d is 1st person exclusive dual (note that 3 inclusive person is dual without the suffix).

The possessor noun formed by appending 4 to a noun is prefixed to the possessum noun. Unless the possessor is based on a personal noun, the possessor is non-referential, e.g. wn4shw2 "pair of women's shoes" versus 1d4cat "our cat". An unmodifed personal noun can be used directly as a possessor, e.g. 2grdn "your garden".

The expected gender of a noun can be changed by a gender override suffix, e.g. tgr6 might be used for referring to a stone tiger.

Noun-to-Verb Derivations

Some verbs are derived from related nouns using null derivation, e.g. "feed" from "food". Kinship and body part verbs are also formed this way.

Numeric Verbs

Whole numbers are verbs formed as decimal digit strings with the most-significant digit first. Components of compound numbers are formed using alphabetic suffixes, shown in the table below. The digit 0 is used to separate alphabetic components, e.g. pi0b "-pi". The order of components is (power) (denominator) base (sign) (range), e.g. 2p3d4b "-400/3", 3r1234a "+1.234", and 40b0g "> -40".

Alphabetic Suffixes
Suffix Name Description
a Above positive number
b Below negative number
d Divisor denominator
g Greater Than a range of values > N
l Less Than a range of values < N
n Not Equal a range of values excluding N
o Ordinal makes natural number N into ordinal number
p Left N x positive power of 10
r Right N x negative power of 10

page started: 2022.Feb.18 Fri
current date: 2022.Feb.27 Sun
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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