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On Common/Usual/Everyday/Typical Stars:
Stars are classified arbitrarily.
One type is called a "walking" star.  It always migrates in the night sky.
Another type is a "stationary" star.  It is always far in comparison with the sun.
Another is called a "dying" star. Another name [for this] is a "falling" star. When it falls from the night sky, it turns into rock.
Another type is a "foreign/alien/non-local" star. It is briefly seen in the night sky. Chikal violently destroyed the sun of that (yonder) world.

Chauk latursaud wíreraud ésh:
Chauk latursaup lat ashüra-u fnölen.
Sí kabíls sírel la sau latursaub nzdanezalöraub sfen zadíf. Saur la chau éblönaneskersauv íömé odröbénaz.
Sí kabíls ftelöl la sau laturs gnöishajinalör nöi. Saur la kléper chau mörsaub ürha íömé nöi.
Sí ftelöls la sau latursaub sfaikhalöraub sfen zadíf. Sau ngalars ftelör chau hengersaus la sau laturs vurwazalör nöi. Shtanö saur la chau éblönaneskersaub ai vurwaz sho, saur la sí kfedhöls vanöi.
Sí kabíls ftelöl la sau laturs jehar nöi. Saur lat chau éblönaneskersauv eçmía-u tel. Chíkals lé chau mörsaut chö öbelöbsös helkebös wörha-u nof.


|ai| postposition  from, out of
|ashüra-u| adv. arbitrarily
|chau| def. art. the (sometimes not translated in English)
|chauk| def. art. the
|Chíkals| n.  I was told, so I'll tell you: rumor has it that this is a proper name. The final "s" was added just to make it conform to Géarthnuns declension patterns; it is pronounced /tSi"kals/ in Géarthnuns. Your results may vary.
|chö| def. art. the
|fnölen| v. sort, classify
|éblöns| n. nighttime, dusk to dawn
|eçmía-u| adv. briefly
|ésh| post. about, concerning, on
|ftelöb| adj. other
|gnöshajinalöb| adj. stationary (lit: "not moving")
|helkeb| adj. that (3rd person referent, like "aquel" in Spanish or "ano" in Japanese)
|hengeb| adj. this
|íömé| adv. always
|jehab| adj. foreign, alien, not from (around) here
|kabíls| n. sort, kind, type
|kfedhöls| n. stone, rock (as a material)
|klépeb| adj. far
|la| aux. present active auxiliary
|lat| aux. present passive auxiliary
|laturs| n. star
|lé| aux. past active auxiliary
|mörs| n. sun
|neskers| n. sky
|ngalars| n. name
|nof| v. destroy, smash (apart)
|nöi| v. be
|nzdanez| v. walk
|öbelöbs| n. world
|odröbénaz| v. migrate
|sau| indef. art. a/an, some (sometimes not translated in English)
|saur| pron. it
|sfaikh| v. die
|sfen| post. as, like
|sho| particle (marks the end of a subordinate clause)
|sí| indef. art. a/an, some
|síreb| adj. one
|shtanö| conj. when
|tel| v. see.
|ürha| post. in comparison with, compared to
|vanöi| v. become, turn into
|vurwaz| v. fall
|wörha-u| adv. violently
|wíreb| adj. common, usual
|zadíf| v. be called, be named

Grammar Points

I.) Nouns in citation form are in the nominative singular.
To form the accusative sing., add a stem vowel and a "-t".  Postpositional sing., add a stem vowel and a "-b".
Genitive sing., add a stem vowel and an "-s".
Locative sing., add a stem vowel and a "-v".
Nominative pl., add a stem vowel and a "-p".
Postpositional pl., add a stem vowel and a "-d".
There's only one compund noun in the piece (just FYI, made by dropping the "s" of Noun 1, adding the stem vowel, and then adding Noun 2).

II.) All nouns must have some sort of article whether or not they translate well into English or not. They only agree in number, so I don't think you need to sweat this.

III.) Adjectives are given in the dictionary form, but they follow their nouns and agree strictly with them, so that should be no biggie. There were a lot of participles in this, so I decided to be cute and not give them to you outright :)  (well, save one). To form the present participle, take a verb and add "-alöb". Now you're in regular adverb turf, so just go for the agreements. Two adjectives were changed into and used as nouns. Can you find them? :)

IV.) Sentence order is SAuxOV and I didn't go nuts with any stylisitic flourishes.