Matthew Kehrt

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How the wells and people see.

It is possible to divide all wells into parts.
There is one well among numerous wells.
The moving well is the first name, beginning quickly and unstoppably to rush in the sky.
The immovable well is another name, because it always exists.
The dying well is another name.
The falling well is another given name, with time that from black skies to earth is falling.
The last well of all is not a well.
For a long time it is impossible to see, but, because of this, it shows itself.
As if some forces break themselves into many tears.

Ilcwá ídwilí í ídanwí is.

Télimwí édwilil aisis letasal.
Ídwil aiis esdwilí talîs el.
Écelem airis ídwil avanis el, Lé ithtíel thin í sátegalis adham rilú.
Écelem enalis ídwil sâvanalis el, tel íath alin el.
Écelem taléis enalis ídwil thaugúis el.
Emtelíor lé íestíel nalis mand.
Édwil ídwil telendis aisis sá el.
Ithtelíor tólaris éath isal, tel éag sen.
Lícwá tétériswí talîs éag aracwí dereg.

Il.cwá          í.dwil.í      í  í.dan.wí     is.
INST.SUBCNJ     NOM.dwil.PL   í  NOM.dan.PL   isú.3SG

Té.lim.wí       é.dwil.il       ais.is  letas.al.
DAT.lim.PL      ACC.dwill.PL    ais.ADJ letasú.ABL

Í.dwil          ai.is   es.dwil.í       tal.îs   el.
NOM.dwil        ai.ADJ  GEN.dwil.pl     tal.ADJ elú.3SG

É.celem         air.is  í.dwil          avan.ú.is       el,
ACC.celem       air.ADJ NOM.dwil        avan.PRPART.adj elú.3SG

Lé ith.tíel     thin    í sátegal.is    adham           ril.ú.
Lé IN.tíel      thin    í sátegal.ADJ   adhamú.3SG      rilú.INF

É.celem         enal.is  í.dwil    sâvanal.is el, tel  í.ath   alin    el.
ACC.celem       enal.ADJ NOM.dwil  sâvanal.ADJ    tel  NOM.ath alin    elú.3SG

É.celem       talé.is         enal.is  í.dwil    thaug.ú.is        el.
ACC.celem     talú.PSPART.ADJ enal.ADJ NOM.dwil  thaug.PRPART.ADJ  elú.3SG

Em.telíor        í.lé   es.tíel                 nal.is  mand.
CON.telíor      NOM.lé  GEN.tiel                nal.ADJ mandú.3SG

É.dwil     í.dwil       telend.is       ais.is  sá      el.
ACC.dwil NOM.dwil       telend.ADJ      ais.ADJ sá      elú.3SG

Ith.telíor tólar.is     é.ath     is.al,   erath       é.ag            sen.
IN.telíor tólar.ADJ     ACC.ath   isú.ABL  erath       ACC.ag          senú.3SG

Lí.cwá          té.téris.wí     tal.îs     é.ag    arac.wí  dereg.
LIKE.SUBCNJ     LOC.téris.PL    talí.ADJ   ACC.ag  arag.PL  deregú.3SG

3SG - Third Person Singular
ABL - Abilitative mood indicates ability to perform the verb
ACC - Accusative
ADJ - Adjective
CON - concomitant "with"
DAT - Dative
GEN - Genitive
IN - case meaning 'in'
INST - Instrumental
LIKE - case meaning like, similar to
LOC - locative
NOM -Nominative
PL - Plural
PRPART - present participle
PSPART - past participle
SUBCNJ - subordinating conjunction, 'which'

Adhamú - v. "to begin"
Ag - Singular reflexive pronoun "his/her/itsself"
Ai - Adjective "one"
Air - Adj. "First"
Ais - Adj. "all"
Alin - Adv. "Always"
Arag - noun "strength"
ath -3SG Pronoun "he/she/it"
avanú - verb "to move"
celem - n. "name"
dan - n. "person"
deregú - v. "to break"
dwil - n. "well"
elú - v. "to be"
enal - adj. "other"
erath - conj. "therefore"
isú - v. "to see"
lé - particle dunno what it's called, acts like "which"
letasú - v. "to cut, to divide"
lim - n. "piece"
mandú - v. "to fall"
nal - adj. "black"
rilú - v. "to run, to rush, to hurry, to flow"
sá - adv. "no, not"
sáteg - adj. "unstoppable"
sâvanal - adj. "immovable"
senú - v. "to show"
talí - adj "many"
talú - v. "to give"
tel - conj. "because"
telend - adj. "last"
telíor - n. "time, period"
téris - n. "tear, droplet"
thaugú - v. "to die"
thin - adv. "quickly"
tíel - n. "sky"
tólar - adj "large/big"