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Chapter 21: Comparison

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21.1 Comparative Constructions

In a comparative construction, a subject of comparison is compared to a standard of comparison according to some scale of comparison. A direction of comparison is also expressed. The standard may be explicit or may implicitly be the subject in a former state (the latter being called a temporal comparison).

TIAL has 2 ways of constructing a comparative of inequality. The 1st way places one of the relative degree adverbs plu "more" or min "less" before the adjective denoting the scale of comparison. An explicit standard of comparison is formed using the verb kwa(na) "than" whose object phrase is the standard.

eto viro plu alte kwa eso.
"This man is taller than that one."

Tomaso min grave.
"Thomas is less heavy (than he used to be)."

In the 2nd way, no degree adverb is used; it's the word introducing the standard that specifies the direction with supra "above" or infra "below" being used.

eto viro alte supra eso.
"This man is taller than that one."

A comparative construction can also include an exact degree expression, which specifies the amount of difference in the scale between the subject and the standard.

eto viro alte trio cento metre supra eso. ?
"This man is taller than that one by 3 centimeters."

21.2 Equative Constructions

An equative construction is a comparison regarding whether the subject of comparison and the standard are equal. It's formed in a way similar to the 2nd kind of inequality comparison with ekwa "equal" used. Equative constructions obviously can't use the degree of difference expression.

kano grande ekwa yo gatto.
"The dog is as big as a cat."

alto high kwa(na) than
basso low min less
ekwa equal plu more
infra below supra above


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