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Chapter 14: Relative Clauses

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14.1 Relative Clauses

There are three kinds of relative clauses: restrictive, parenthetical, and indefinite. All three begin with the particle hu and end with the particle fo. The head noun is moved from the relative clause and replaced by a pronoun.

14.2 Restrictive Clauses

A restrictive relative clause is a clause that acts as a noun-modifier and limits the possible set of entities that the phrase can refer to, like the other modifiers encountered so far. It must contain a form of restrictive relative pronoun (Rst). These are:

pe Rst.I "what" (pronoun)
pi Rst.A "who(m)" (pronoun)
pio Rst.Pos "whose" (possessive determiner)
epe Rst.L "where" (locational verb)
pan Rst.Tw "when" (temporal adverb)
pin Rst.Td "?" (duration adverb?)
pa Rst.Deg "how" (degree)
po Rst.D "which" (determiner)

damo hu me vida pi fo ete.
"The woman I saw is here."

damo hu me vida pio mamo fo ete.
"The woman whose mother I saw is here."

14.3 Parenthetical Clause

A parenthetical clause provides extra information about the noun phrase's referent and doesn't limit it. It uses a discourse deictic as pronoun, not a relative one.

damo hu me vida leo mamo fo ete.
"The woman, whose mother I saw, is here."

14.4 Indefinite Relative Clauses

An indefinite relative clause is a clause limiting only the kind of entity that can be referenced, and often doesn't have a real referent. It must contain a form of indefinite relative pronoun (IRP) and may even replace the noun-phrase.

hu te vida yopi fo
"whomever you see"

When the indefinite relative pronoun is the subject of its clause, the participle construction is used instead:

yopi vida te
"whoever sees you"



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