Learn TIAL

Chapter 4: Objects of the Verb

TIAL morphemes and examples
Eng English glosses
dfn terms defined in this chapter
ref terms defined in other chapters
Tag interlinear tags

4.1 Argument Structure and Valence

The argument structure of a verb specifies the number of subjects and objects a verb can have and what kind of things each can refer to. In TIAL these are fairly simple: in the majority of cases, there's exactly one subject (never more) and there can be up to two objects. The valence of a verb is one (for the subject) plus the number of objects. Each verb also has a maximum valence (also from one to three for most verbs).

4.2 Objects

When an object is expressed, it appears after the verb. The verb form used when no objects appear is the e-form already given. When an object does appear, the verb must take the a-form, where the final e of the e-form is replaced by a. We now can have sentences of the form

Subject(o) Verb(a) Object(o)

such as

viro manja pomo.
"The man ate the apple."

as well as

Subject(o) Verb(e).

Note: In the example sentence, viro could be translated as "The men and pomo could be translated as "the apples. I'll generally pick one of the possible translations arbitrarily.

In TIAL, the object pronouns are identical to the corresponding subject pronouns:

Table 4 - Personal Object Pronouns
Word Tag Gloss Notes Word Tag Gloss Notes
me 1S me 1st person Singular nas 1XP us 1st person Exclusive Plural
        os 1NP us 1st person Inclusive Plural
te 2S you 2nd person Singular vas 2P you 2nd person Plural
se Rfx himself
3rd person Reflexive se Rfx themselves 3rd person Reflexive

me vida vas.
"I see you (plural)."

4.3 Reflexive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun is one that has the same referent as the verb's subject. For the 1st and 2nd persons, the reflexive pronoun is identical to the subject pronoun. With 3rd person subjects, the reflexive pronoun is se (Rfx).

me vida me.
"I see myself."

Janno no auda se.
"John didn't hear himself."

auda hear kaso house
gatto cat manja eat
ina in pomo apple
kano dog vida see


Translate into English:
1. yo kano ina kaso.

Translate into TIAL:
1. The dog won't eat the apple.

page started: 2010.Jun.26 Sat
current date: 2012.May.07 Mon
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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