Ring B next: | Valaklwuuxa |
Ring B previous: | Tekhwos |
They overcame their upbringing, by speaking to their big domesticated cat.
I think they are a big cat.
They lied that they opened a container, they needed Thomas
I asked, "Is Thomas really a container?"
"No! This is Thomas, he is not a small container."
Thomas carried the fish with them.
They both were perplexed that the cat ate the fish.
They overcame their childhood, by talking with their big house-cat.
I think they are a big cat.
They lied, that they opened the bottle; because they needed Thomas.
I said, "Thomas is a bottle?"
He replied, "This is Thomas, he is not a small bottle!"
The fish were carried by them and Thomas.
The cat ate the fish. Perplexing them both.
page started: 2018.Jan.12 Fri
current date: 2018.Feb.06 Tue
content originated by andrew orr
form originated by qiihoskeh
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