CONLANG Translation Relay 25

Ring A Asirka

Ring A next: Ilaini
Ring A previous: Lulyún

Smooth English

Once upon a time, a child was afraid for us. “The town wolf was walking to the town,” says the child.
The child knew that the wolf will be in a green cave.
“Was the wolf getting hungry?” “Did he see the wolf in the green cave?”
The wolf will be able to walk comfortably into the cave. The wolf wanted to eat Thomma.
“Does he want to eat me?” “Who is that Thomma, how is he doing?”
“He is the ghost grandfather of the bird,” says the child. “What is the name of the ghost?”
The ghost will make the ghost have a bad hand. The bird’s wolf wants to eat the child.

Asirkan Torch

Asirkan Torch

page started: 2018.Feb.02 Fri
current date: 2018.Feb.05 Mon
content originated by Scott Villanueva-Hlad
form originated by qiihoskeh

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