The Vallés  Constructed Language

Verbs and Conjugation

Since Vallés  is a fairly typical Romance language, it has the verbal inflection categories you might expect: Person (1st, 2nd, and 3rd), Number (Singular and Plural), and Tense. The tenses are: Present Indicative, Present Subjunctive, Imperfect (Indicative), Preterite (Indicative), Past Subjunctive, Future, Conditional, and Imperative. There are also infinitives, gerunds, present and past participles, and supines.
Note that "tense" is used here in the traditional sense of a combination of aspect, mood, and tense in the modern linguistic sense.
There are forms for 2 other tense inherited from Latin; I haven't decided if these will still be used, or how they'll be used.

Non-Finite Verb Forms

The infinitive, gerund and supine are not further inflected. The present participle is an adjective inflected for number and is formed like the gerund, except that the final d becomes t. The past participle is an adjective inflected for number and gender and is formed like the supine.
This uses the now standard version of the orthography.

Finite Verb Forms

Each verb form consists of a stem + a personal ending. There's a stem for each tense, and an ending for each combination of person and number. Thus, except for the Imperative, which has only 2nd person forms, there are 6 forms for each stem. These forms are labeled: 1ps (1st person singular), 2ps (2nd person singular), 3ps (3rd person singular), 1pp (1st person plural), 2pp (2nd person plural), 3pp (3rd person plural).

There are a number of "sets" of personal endings. Each of these is fairly regular, allowing deviations only in the Present Indicative, Preterite, and the Imperative. Their application to the stems is also fairly regular; verbs are grouped into conjugations according to which set is applied to a given stem. Formation of the stems is somewhat less regular. Here are some frequently used sets:

Sets of Personal Endings
  A-Stems E-Stems I-Stems Future Condit.
1ps --e --i =i --ai --eve
2ps --as --es --es --ás --evas
3ps --a -- -- --á --eva
1pp --aons --ions --ions - ?? --evaons
2pp --adz --edz --idz - ?? --evadz
3pp --an --en =on --án --evan

The A-stem endings are used regularly in the Present Indicative of 1st conjugation verbs, the Present Subjunctive of all other verbs, the Imperfect of all verbs, and the Conditional of all verbs. The E-stem endings are used regularly in the Present Subjunctive of 1st conjugation verbs and the Past Subjunctive of all verbs. They're used, with changes, in the Present Indicative of 2nd conjugation verbs.
What about addition of t or d to 3rd person forms in special syntaxes?

Conjugation Paradigms

The number-code in the upper left of each is used to identify the appropriate paradigm for verbs in the lexicon. The numbers in parentheses for each entry identify which stem the given ending attaches to. These are
(0)  basic stem
(1)  possible stem change due to stress
(2)  possible stem change due to either palatalization OR non-front vowel
(3)  combination of 1 and 2
(4)  finite past stem

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
1 (0) ar (0) and (0) ant (0) ad
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps (1) e (1) i (0) ave (0) ai (0) assi (0) ar-ai (0) ar-eve
2ps (1) as (1) es (0) avas (0) ast (0) asses (1) a (0) ar-ás (0) ar-evas
3ps (1) a (1) (0) ava (0) au (0) ass (0) ar-á (0) ar-eva
1pp (0) aons (0) ions (0) avaons (0) âmes (0) assions (0) ar-?? (0) ar-evaons
2pp (0) adz (0) edz (0) avadz (0) astes (0) assedz (0) ad (0) ar-?? (0) ar-evadz
3pp (1) an (1) en (0) avan (0) aron (0) assen (0) ar-án (0) ar-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
2 (0) er (0) iand (0) iant (0) ud
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps (3) i (3) e (0) eve (0) ui (0) ussi (0) er-ai (0) er-eve
2ps (1) (e)s (3) as (0) evas (0) ust (0) usses (1) (0) er-ás (0) er-evas
3ps (1) (3) a (0) eva (0) û (0) uss (0) er-á (0) er-eva
1pp (0) ions (2) aons (0) evaons (0) ûmes (0) ussions (0) er-?? (0) er-evaons
2pp (0) edz (2) adz (0) evadz (0) ustes (0) ussedz (0) éd (0) er-?? (0) er-evadz
3pp (1) en (3) an (0) evan (0) uron (0) ussen (0) er-án (0) er-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
3a (1) r (0) iand (0) iant (0) ud
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps (3) i (3) e (2) eve (0) ei (4) essi (0) r-ai (0) r-eve
2ps (1) (e)s (3) as (2) evas (4) est (4) esses (1) (0) r-ás (0) r-evas
3ps (1) (3) a (2) eva (0) ê (4) ess (0) r-á (0) r-eva
1pp (0) ons (2) aons (2) evaons (0) êmes (4) essions (0) r-?? (0) r-evaons
2pp (0) edz (2) adz (2) evadz (4) estes (4) essedz (0) éd (0) r-?? (0) r-evadz
3pp (3) on (3) an (2) evan (0) êron (4) essen (0) r-án (0) r-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
3b (1) r (0) iand (0) iant (1) t
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps (3) i (3) e (2) eve (4) i (4) essi (0) r-ai (0) r-eve
2ps (1) s (3) as (2) evas (4) est (4) esses (1) (0) r-ás (0) r-evas
3ps (1) (3) a (2) eva (4) (4) ess (0) r-á (0) r-eva
1pp (1) mes (2) aons (2) evaons (4) ons ? (4) essions (0) r-?? (0) r-evaons
2pp (1) tes (2) adz (2) evadz (4) estes (4) essedz (1) t (0) r-?? (0) r-evadz
3pp (3) on (3) an (2) evan (4) ron ? (4) essen (0) r-án (0) r-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
4a (0) ir (2) iand (2) iant (0) id
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps (3) i (3) e (0) ive (0) î (0) issi (0) ir-ai (0) ir-eve
2ps (1) (e)s (3) as (0) ivas (0) ist (0) isses (1) (0) ir-ás (0) ir-evas
3ps (1) (3) a (0) iva (0) iu (0) iss (0) ir-á (0) ir-eva
1pp (0) ions (2) aons (0) ivaons (0) îmes (0) issions (0) ir-?? (0) ir-evaons
2pp (0) idz (2) adz (0) ivadz (0) istes (0) issedz (0) id (0) ir-?? (0) ir-evadz
3pp (3) on (3) an (0) ivan (0) iron (0) issen (0) ir-án (0) ir-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.   (1) = (0)ix; (2) = (0)isc
4b (0) ir (1) end (1) ent (0) id
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps (2) i (2) e (0) ive (0) î (0) issi (0) ir-ai (0) ir-eve
2ps (1) es (2) as (0) ivas (0) ist (0) isses (1) (0) ir-ás (0) ir-evas
3ps (1) (2) a (0) iva (0) iu (0) iss (0) ir-á (0) ir-eva
1pp (1) ons (2) aons (0) ivaons (0) îmes (0) issions (0) ir-?? (0) ir-evaons
2pp (1) edz (2) adz (0) ivadz (0) istes (0) issedz (1) éd (0) ir-?? (0) ir-evadz
3pp (2) on (2) an (0) ivan (0) iron (0) issen (0) ir-án (0) ir-evan

Some Verb Conjugations

Some things that may look like irregularities really aren't; they're simply regular orthographic changes, such as c to qu, g to gu, and e to ĕ.

A Sample Verb Conjugation
  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
1 amar amand amant amad
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps ame ami amave amai amassi amar-ai amar-eve
2ps amas ames amavas amast amasses ama amar-ás amar-evas
3ps ama am amava amau amass amar-á amar-eva
1pp amaons amions amavaons amâmes amassions ?? amar-evaons
2pp amadz amedz amavadz amastes amassedz amad ?? amar-evadz
3pp aman amen amavan amaron amassen amar-án amar-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
1 dar dand dant dad
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps dui ? dei dave diai ? diessi dar-ai dar-eve
2ps dás dés davas diest diesses dar-ás dar-evas
3ps dava diâ ? diess dar-á dar-eva
1pp daons dions davaons diâmes diessions ?? dar-evaons
2pp dadz dedz davadz diestes diessedz dad ?? dar-evadz
3pp dán dén davan diâron diessen dar-án dar-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
1 star stand stant stad
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps stui ? stei stave stiadi ? stedessi star-ai star-eve
2ps stás stés stavas stedest stedesses stá star-ás star-evas
3ps stá sté stava stiâd ? stedess star-á star-eva
1pp staons stions stavaons stiâdmes ?? stedessions ?? star-evaons
2pp stadz stedz stavadz stedestes stedessedz stad ?? star-evadz
3pp stán stén stavan stiâdron ?? stedessen star-án star-evan

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
2 tener teniand teniant tenud
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps tenhi tenhe teneve tenui ? tenussi
2ps tians tenhas tenevas tenust tenusses tian
3ps tian tenha teneva tenu ? tenuss
1pp tenions tenhaons tenevaons tenûmes tenussions
2pp tenedz tenhadz tenevadz tenustes tenussedz tenéd
3pp tianen tenhan tenevan tenuron tenussen

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
2 vier vejand vejant viud
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps vesi vese vieve vî ? viessi
2ps vêz ? vesas vievas viest viesses
3ps vesa vieva viu ? viess
1pp vejons vesaons vievaons vîmes viessions
2pp viedz vesadz vievadz viestes viessedz viéd
3pp vên vesan vievan vîron viessen

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
3b fær fagiand fagiant fait
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps fagi fagĕ fageve fegi ? fegessi
2ps fâis ? fageas fagevas fegest fegesses fâi ?
3ps fâi ? fagea fageva fege ? fegess
1pp fâimes ? fageaons fagevaons fêimes fegessions
2pp fâites ? fageadz fagevadz fegestes fegessedz fâit ?
3pp fageon fagean fagevan fêron fegessen

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
3b dîr digiand digiant deit
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps digui digue digeve dixi ? dixessi
2ps dîs ? digas digevas dixest dixesses dî ?
3ps dî ? diga digeva dix ? dixess
1pp dîmes ? digaons digevaons dixons ? dixessions
2pp dîtes ? digadz digevadz dixestes dixessedz dît ?
3pp digon digan digevan díxeron dixessen

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
3a vendr vendiand vendiant vendud
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps vendi vende vendeve vendei vendiessi
2ps vendes vendas vendevas vendiest vendiesses vend
3ps vend venda vendeva vendê vendiess
1pp vendons vendaons vendevaons vendêmes vendiessions
2pp vendedz vendadz vendevadz vendiestes vendiessedz vendéd
3pp vendon vendan vendevan vendêron vendiessen

Preterite 1pp regular change gives vendiâmes. Preterite 3pp regular change gives vendiâron. Preterite 1ps and 3ps shifted stress to ultima, like Pres.Ind. 1pp and 2pp and Imperative 2pp.

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
4b finir finixend finixent finid
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps finisqui finisque finive finî ? finissi
2ps finixes finiscas finivas finist finisses finix
3ps finix finisca finiva finiu ? finiss
1pp finixons finiscaons finivaons finîmes finissions
2pp finixedz finiscadz finivadz finistes finissedz finixéd
3pp finiscon finiscan finivan finiron finissen

  Infinitive Gerund Pres.Part. Supine/Past Part.
4a auir ausiand ausiant auid
  Pres.Ind. Pres.Subj. Imperfect Preterite Past Subj. Imperat. Future Condit.
1ps ausi ause auive auî ? auissi
2ps auz ? ausas auivas auist auisses au
3ps au ausa auiva auju ? auiss
1pp aujons ausaons auivaons auîmes auissions
2pp auidz ausadz auivadz auistes auissedz auid
3pp auson ausan auivan auiron auissen

Note that the root au is always long.

page started: 2004.Aug.01 ???
last modified: 2008.Apr.29 Tue
content and form originated by Jeffrey S. Jones

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