OVS –  A Constructed Language

OVS Phonology and Orthography

The Sounds

  Unrounded Rounded
Front Central Back
High i i j=: - - u u w=:
Mid - e E e: - o O o:
Low - - a 6 A\: -

  Labial Coronal Dorsal Guttural
Stops V'less p p - t t - k k - -
Voiced b b d d g g
Nasals Voiced m m - n n ñ J ŋ N - -
Affricates V'less - c ts) - -
Voiced z dz)
Fricatives V'less - f f s s ç C - x X h h
Voiced - r z` - - -
Approximants - l l y j w w - -


Each of the 5 vowels can be long or short, with allophones distributed as shown in the table. There are 4 diphthongs: eu [eu], ai [6i], au [6u], and oi [oi].

Each of the 21 consonants except y, w, and the voiced plosives can be geminate. They're as shown in the table with one exception: h represents [?] before y, w, b, d, g, or z, or when geminate. Coda consonants don't occur after diphthongs or long vowels and are limited to:

The onset clusters are as follows:

  Labial Dorsal
Stops V'less pl pl py pj kl kl kw kw)
Voiced bl bl by bj gl gl gw gw)


OVS is a tone language, with each vocalic mora having either high (H, [ "<]) or low (L [ %>]) tone, the former being marked with an acute (´) and the latter unmarked. Tone harmony is present, based on the tone or tones of the root syllable. The rules for suffixes are:

The rule for prefixes is:

Additional Phonology

When two identical short vowels are immediately adjacent in an open syllable, they form a long vowel. When two different short vowels are immediately adjacent in an open syllable, they form a diphthong. The diphthong ei then becomes ee and the diphthong ou then becomes oo, so that any remaining occurrences of ei or ou must be disyllabic.

page started: 2010.Jun.22 Tue
current date: 2010.Jun.27 Sun
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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