The Jul29 Constructed Language

Jul29 Morphology

Citation Forms

In roots, stems, and affixes cited in the grammar and the vocabulary, those with mutatable consonants are given in the original non-mutated form provided that an identical form actually exists; if not, those with consonants which may appear as either codas or between vowels appear in both forms, the coda version first, e.g. lū, lov.

Verb Stem Formation

The structure of a verb form is as follows, where Base includes the Root and any derivational suffixes.



Positive polarity is unmarked.

Polarity Suffixes
Suffix Tag Name
-an -Neg negative
-is -Aff affirmative


The aspects have both traditional and descriptive names. The aspect suffixes combine with a following imperative mood suffix, also shown in the following table.

Aspect Suffixes
Suffix Imperative Tag Names
-a -Dur present or durative
-Aor aoristic
-o -Prf perfect or retrospective
-e - -Fut future or prospective
-ma -mā -Hab habitual

Verb Agreement

A verb form may be a participle, an infinitive, or finite, as determined by the agreement affixes. There may be 1 agreement suffix, specifying the subject, agent, or donor, and up to 2 agreement prefixes: the 1st specifies location, patient, or recipient while the 2nd (which is always inanimate) specifies location or theme. Any class of verb may take the agreement suffix.

Agreement Suffixes

In entries with 2 forms, the 2nd is used with the aoristic aspect and the 1st with all other aspects. The imperative suffix isn't shown since it always combines with the preceding aspect suffix; see the Aspect Suffixes table.

Agreement Suffixes
Suffix Tag Description
-s, -si -1S 1st person singular
-r, -li -1P 1st person plural
-k, -ki -2 2nd person
-0 -3 3rd person
-f, -fi -U Unspecified
-* .Imp Imperative (2nd person)

Agreement Prefixes

The 3rd person theme prefix combines with the preceding recipient prefix.

Agreement Prefixes
Prefix + 3T- Tag Description Slot
je- jō- 1S- 1st person singular 1st
ba- bau- 1P- 1st person plural
go- gū- 2- 2nd person
so- sū- Rfx- Reflexive (all persons)
0- u- 3R- 3rd person recipient or patient
li- yū- UR- Unspecified recipient or patient
ho- 3T- 3rd person theme 2nd
0- UT- Unspecfied theme

Participant Suffixes

The participant suffixes make finite forms into participles. There's also a suffix for action nominals. Only forms with 3rd person subjects can be used as agent participles, since coreference requires that the appropriate argument be 3rd person (with no phrase appearing). Action nominals and oblique (instrument and location) participles don't require any core arguments to be 3rd person. Participles and action nominals may be further inflected as nouns.

Participant Suffixes
Suffix Tag Description
-0 -Agt agent
-to -Ani animate patient or recipient
-mo -Ina inanimate patient or theme
-pe -Ins instrument
-la -Loc location
-fe -Nom action (non-participant)

The temporal adjunct suffix -x (-Tmp) is appended to a participant suffix forming temporal participles and temporal action nominals.

The conditional forms are constructed by appending -cin (Cond) to finite forms.

Adverbial Forms

Some adjectival verbs have adverbial forms constructed by appending (-Adv) to a stem which includes polarity but not aspect.

Nouns and Pronouns

Noun Inflections

Nouns are inflected for number (singular and plural and/or mass) and for case. Mass nouns are inflected as plural nouns in the partitive and as singular nouns otherwise. The specific inflections depend on whether the noun stem ends in a vowel or a consonant. The vocative singular suffix combines with the stem vowel. Final stem consonants mutate before vowel-initial suffixes. The V-Stem endings shown in the table are already mutated.

Noun Declensions
Case Name Singular Plural
V-Stem C-Stem V-Stem C-Stem
Abs Absolutive -0 -0 -c -o
Top Topical -ga -ka -cka -oga
Voc Vocative -i -i -ji -oi
Gen Genitive -r -a -ja -or
Par Partitive - - -dū -tū

Personal Pronouns

The 3rd person pronouns are still not finalized.

The genitives of pronouns have special forms used as possessive determiners:

Personal Pronouns
Pronoun Tag Genitive Partitive Description
jen 1S jer - 1st person singular
ban 1P bar bantū 1st person plural
gon 2 gor gontū 2nd person
son Rfx sor sontū Reflexive
dave 3AS daver - 3rd person animate singular
dano 3IS danor - 3rd person inanimate singular
daz 3M dala daztū 3rd person inanimate mass
davec 3AP daveca davectū 3rd person animate plural
danoc 3IP danoca danoctū 3rd person inanimate plural

Other Pronouns

This may still not be the final version.

Other Pronouns
Pronoun Tag Genitive Partitive Description
cen CQP cer centū content question, personal
CQG ceha cādū content question, general
nen ExiP ner *nentū existential quantifier, personal
ExiG neha *nādū existential quantifier, general
paren UniP parer *parentū universal quantifier, personal
parā UniG pareha *parādū universal quantifier, general
*xan RP xar xantū relative pronoun
* possibly not used.

Derivational Morphology

Affixing Verbs

Several verbs, such as sɪt "at", can act like suffixes to a preceding object or, conversely, the preceding object acts like a prefix. The objects include nouns and the elements listed below. When the object is a noun, the combinations are written with a hyphen - in between.

Prefixing Elements
Prefix Tag Description
si- Prox- demonstrative, proximal
do- Medi- demonstrative, medial
la- Dist- demonstrative, distal
ce- CQ- content question
ne- Exi- existential quantifier
pare- Uni- universal quantifier
xa- RP- relative pronoun

Examples include sist "here" and zecpa-nd "to the house".

Superlatives and Numbers

Superlatives are verbs regularly derived from adjectival verbs using the suffix -ɪt (-Sup). Ordinal numbers are verbs derived from the corresponding cardinal numbers using the suffix -ɪm (-Ord), except that "first" and "last" are superlatives of nof "early" and qor "late", respectively.

The cardinal numbers are uninflected. They're shown in the following table along with the corresponding ordinal number stems. To add the single digits to the tens values, append the corresponding cardinal (or ordinal) to the tens cardinal, e.g. 31 salkyōhin (salkyōnoft).

Value Cardinal Ordinal Value Cardinal Ordinal
1 hin noft 10 kyō kyōm
2 hix hicm 20 kēc kēcm
3 sal salm 30 salkyō salkyōm
4 pol polm 40 polkyō polkyōm
5 ken kemm 50 kenkyō kenkyōm
6 seje sejēm 60 sejegyō sejigyōm
7 tagi tagīm 70 tagigyō tagigyōm
8 deno denūm 80 denogyō denogyōm
9 bōm 90 bōgyō bōgyōm

Larger numbers are formed using 100 tova (tobām) as the base. The preceding factors are 2 through 9 (no factor appears for 100) and the following addends are 1 through 99.

Verb-to-verb Derivations

The suffixes here are shown before any mutation.

Derivational Suffixes
Suffix Tag Description
-in -Inch Inchoative
-op -Auto Autocausative
-tor -Caus Causative
-q -Abil Abilitative
-kar -Diff Difficilitative

page started: 2014.Jul.30 Wed
current date: 2014.Aug.11 Mon
content and form originated by qīhoskeh

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