Oct17A –  A Constructed Language

Oct17A Lexicon, Predicates

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, «apa», -Tags-, and "Glosses".


Column Titles
Word the citation form of the Oct17A word
POS the part of speech (morphosyntactical class) of the Oct17A word
Tag interlinear tag
Glosses English glosses or description
S Status: where the word has been used, etc.
Date when the word was first added (it may have since been modified)

Part-of-Speech Codes
V Verb X Scalar state P Patientive
S Binary state A Agentive
U Unitizable process L Locational
C Culmination process
E Event
Q Quantity X Scalar
det Determiner
amp Aspect, Mood, or Polarity

Verb Root List

Lexicon, Ordered
Word POS Tag Glosses S Date
____ VS exist 221022
_i_e VUA eat 221022
_i_o VSA DMP Dependent-Marked Possessor 221022
_i_u det Medi Medial Demonstrative 221022
_ie_ amp Neg Negative Polarity 221022
_iei VX fast 221022
_iae ??? Conj Conjunction Final 221022
_ioa VX new, young 221022
_iou VUA write 221022
_iu_ amp Cul Culminative Aspect 221022
_iuo VX tight 221022
_e_e det QD Interrogative 221022
_e_a VSL at, with 221022
_eao VUA walk 221022
_eo_ amp Prf Perfect Aspect 221022
_a_a det Dist Distal Demonstrative 221022
_ai_ Q "1" 221022
_aie_ amp Pot Potential Mood 221022
_aa_ VS stand 221022
_aae VX old 221022
_ao_ VSL below 221022
_au_ amp PQ Polar Question 221022
_aui VX loose 221022
_o_e VS sit 221022
_o_a VCP use 221022
_o_o det Same Anaphoric 221022
_o_u ??? Sub Conjunctions 221022
_oe_ amp Pro Prospective Aspect 221022
_oa_ VSL above 221022
_oai Q "3" 221022
_oo_ VX dangerous 221022
_oua VX large (volume) 221022
_u_i det Prox Proximal Demonstrative 221022
_u_e VSA HMP Head-Marked Possessive 221022
_u_o VUA drink 221022
_uie ??? Disj Disjunction Final 221022
_uei VUA read 221022
_ua_ amp Pos Positive Polarity 221022
_uou VX slow 221022
_uu_ VS lie (not sit or stand) 221022
i_a_ VSA see Auto: look at 221022
i_o_ VSA VN Volitive Necessity 221022
ii_a det 1Pl 1st person Plural possessor 221022
ii_i det 1 1st person Singular possessor 221022
iea_ VX hot 221022
iaai VX white 221022
iaou VCP fall 221022
ioua VX large (area) 221022
iuiu VS sleep 221022
e_io VSP categorize 221022
e_a_ VCA cause 221022
e_oa QX enough 221022
e_u_ amp Ctf Contrafactual Mood 221022
eoa_ VX tall 221022
a_i_ VSL in Auto: enter 221022
a_oi QX too much, too many 221022
ai_i VX clean 221022
aiou VX safe (not dangerous) 221022
aiu_ VEP break 221022
aeae amp Hab Habitual Aspect 221022
auo_ VX cold 221022
o_i_ amp Auto Autocausative Derivation 221022
amp Inch Inchoative Aspect 221022
o_e_ VSL on top of 221022
o_ae QX many, much 221022
oioi VX raw (not cooked) 221022
oe_o VUA run 221022
oa_e VUA fly 221022
oa_u VX heavy 221022
ou_a VUA swim 221022
u_a_ VCP cook 221022
u_e_ VSL outside 221022
ua_o VCP deplete, diminish 221022
uaee VX nude 221022
uooi VX black 221022
uu_a det 2Pl 2nd person Plural Possessive 221022
uu_u det 2 2nd person Singular Possessive 221022

page started: 2022.Oct.22 Sat
current date: 2022.Oct.25 Tue
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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