Nov19 –  A Constructed Language

Nov19 Vocabulary, Alphabetical


S Codes
- not used yet or only in grammar
1 used in Conlang Translation Relay 21

Part of Speech

POS Codes
NA noun, animate, common adv adverb
NI noun, inanimate, count aux auxiliary
NM noun, inanimate, mass conj conjunction
NP noun, animate, proper det determiner
Q cardinal number or quantifier? part particle
UD2 verb, dynamic, bivalent, impersonal pref prefix
VA1 adjectival verb, univalent pron pronoun
VA2 adjectival verb, bivalent suff suffix
VAR adjectival verb, receptive    
VD1 verb, dynamic, univalent    
VD2 verb, dynamic, bivalent    
VD3 verb, dynamic, trivalent    
VS1 verb, static, univalent    
VS2 verb, static, bivalent    


Date S POS Root Word Glosses Tag
131126 - - * - -  
131122 - pron *w - (3rd person inanimate) 3I
--- a ---
131122 - pron *rnw ama (1st person plural) 1P
131122 - suff *rkh -ax (entry to state, inchoative) -Inch
--- â ---
131122 - pron *r â (3rd person animate) 3A
--- b ---
--- c ---
131122 - pron *tje-r (content question animate) CQA
131122 - det *tje ce (content question) CQ
131124 - adv *tje-thkr ceska to what degree, how CQ-Deg
131124 - part *tjej (polar question) PQ
131124 - adv *tje-jbet cêbet in what manner, how CQ-Man
131124 - VS1 *tje-jp cêp, cêb where (interrogative)  
131122 - pron *tje-w (content question inanimate) CQI
131124 - conj *tjww if  
--- ç ---
131124 - UD2 *hjrn çan rain  
--- d ---
--- e ---
131122 - pron *en ena (same subject) SS
--- ê ---
--- f ---
131122 - pref *phj fi- (proper noun) PN-
--- g ---
--- h ---
131122 - VS2 *hrth has want  
131122 - aux *henr hena, heq continue  
131124 - Q *hj hi "1" S
131122 - suff *hjn -hin (exit from state, terminative) -Term
--- i ---
131122 - pron *jk iga (1st person singular) 1S
131122 - suff *jp -ip, -ib (locative) -Loc
--- î ---
--- j ---
--- k ---
131124 - NM *krphj kafi coffee  
131122 - aux *krh kah (deontic possibility) DP
131122 - pron *ke-r (relative pronoun animate) RPA
131124 - VS1 *ke-jp kêp, kêb where (relative)  
131124 - adv *kni-thkr kniska to such a degree, so, enough Sat-Deg
131124 - adv *kni-jpet knîbet in such a manner Sat-Man
131122 - aux *ken kon (deontic necessity) DN
131122 - pron *ke-w (relative pronoun inanimate) RPI
131124 - VS1 *kwt-jp kudip, kudib there  
131122 - det *kwt kut, kud (medial demonstrative) Medi
131124 - conj *kww when  
--- m ---
131124 - conj *nwej before  
131124 - VD2 *nwej-p mêp, mêb lead  
131122 - suff *nwjt -mit, -mid (comparative-superlative) -Cpr
131122 - suff *nwjt -mit, -mid (ordinal) -Ord
--- n ---
131124 - VS2 *nerp nâp, nâb reside  
131124 - VS1 *njt-jp nidip, nidib here  
131124 - VS2 *njn nin in  
131124 - conj *njth nis while  
131122 - det *njt nit, nid (proximal demonstrative) Prox
131122 - VD3 *nwnw nunu, num sing  
--- ñ ---
--- o ---
--- ô ---
--- p ---
131122 - suff *per -pâ, -per (transit through state, viative) -Via
131124 - NI *pewne pône cup  
131124 - NM *prrn pran water-  
131122 - aux *pwn pun (affirmative) Aff
--- q ---
--- r ---
131126 - aux *rjnt rint, rind (social possibility) SP
--- s ---
131124 - VAR *thrkh sax hot  
131122 - aux *thj si, ç (natural possibility or potential) NP
131122 - VA1 *thewk sôk, sôg large  
131122 - aux *thwp sup, sub begin (process phase)  
--- t ---
131124 - VS1 *trk-jp tagip, tagib yonder  
131122 - pron *trh taha (reflexive) Rfx
131122 - det *trk tak, tag (distal demonstrative) Dist
131122 - VD3 *tertj tâdi, tâj cook  
131122 - aux *tjk tik, tig (negative) Neg
131124 - conj *tew after  
131124 - VD2 *tew-p tôp, tôb follow  
131124 - aux *twkw tugu (iterative)  
--- u ---
131122 - pron *wt uda (2nd person) 2
--- û ---
--- w ---
131126 - aux *wek wek, weg (social necessity) SN
--- x ---
131122 - NA *khrn xan fish  
131122 - det *khet xot, xod (universal quantifier) Uni
131124 - VS2 *khwjp xwip, xwib sleep  
--- y ---
131122 - aux *jwh yuh (natural necessity or inevitability) NN

page started: 2013.Nov.22 Fri
current date: 2013.Nov.26 Tue
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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