Mar18 –  A Constructed Language

Mar18 Basic Morphology

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, «apa», -Tags-, and "Glosses".


The morphological word classes are verbs, numbers, determiners and pronouns, and particles.

Action Types

The aspect suffixes are given in a later section.

Action Types
Type Aspects Label Name Examples Description
State S T__ Transient "hot", "see" simple property
P__ Persistent "rock" usually glossed by noun for non-living entity
Event A, S E__ Eventive "find", "break"
Process D, A, S U__ Unitizable "walk", "eat" can be broken down into steps
C__ Culminating "cook", "heat"
X__ Complex "cat", "hand" usually glossed by noun for living beings

Word Structures

Note: The enclitic bracket particles are covered in the syntax, not in the morphology.

Verb Structure

Verb Structure
Order Description Null Value Group
1. Negative Polarity positive Inflection
2. Scalar Tolerance medium
3. Tense present
4. Subject Case none Syntax
5. Verb Root required Stem
6. Postverbs none
7. Aspect depends on action type Inflection

Determiner and Pronoun Structure

Number, where applicable, is determined by the determiner or pronoun stem.

Pronoun Structure
Order Description Null Value Group
3. Tense present Inflection
4. Argument Case none Syntax
5. Stem required Stem

Determiner Structure
Order Description Null Value Group
4. Argument Case none Syntax
5. Stem required Stem

Determiners and Pronouns

The temporal determiners are given in a later chapter.

Determiners & Pronouns
Determiner Pronoun Description
Singular Plural Singular Plural
ma 1 mar 1.Pl mai 1.B mari 1.Pl.B 1st person (exclusive)
- - wir Incl - - wiri Incl.B (1st person) inclusive
so 2 sor 2.Pl soi 2.B sori 2.Pl.B 2nd person
ce Q - - cei Q.B - - Content Question (numberless)
- - - - hei 4 - - 4th person (numberless)
- - - - sami Rfx - - Reflexive (numberless)
wis(u) Prox wisa Prox.Pl wisi Prox.B wisai Prox.Pl.B Proximal demonstrative
los(u) Medi losa Medi.Pl losi Medi.B losai Medi.Pl.B Medial demonstrative
tas(u) Dist tasa Dist.Pl tasi Dist.B tasai Dist.Pl.B Distal demonstrative
ces(u) QD cesa QD.Pl cesi QD.B cesai QD.Pl.B Question demonstrative
ze Nom - - zei Nom.B - - Personal Name
ta Def tar Def.Pl tai Def.B tari Def.Pl.B Definite
ne Ind ner Ind.Pl nei Ind.B neri Ind.Pl.B Indefinite
'atta Uni - - 'attai Uni.B - - Universal Quantifier (numberlass)
'anne Exi - - 'annei Exi.B - - Existential Quantifier (numberless)


Note: The citation form of a verb or postverb includes an aspect suffix, according to the action type of the verb or postverb; this is removed to form the root. This aspect suffix is S for states, A for events, and D for processes.

The scalar precision prefixes are covered in the Scalar Morphosyntax chapter.


Aspect is required.

Aspect Suffixes
Suffix Tag Name Description
-o S Stative any state, including result and anticipatory
-a A Perfective any event, including singulative and inceptive
-i D Durative any process, including habitual
-e M Modifier forms compound with following word

Polarity and Tense

The negative polarity prefix is slaa- Neg.

The past tense prefix is ku- or k- (depending on the following consonant) Pst. The future tense prefix is Fut.


Case Prefixes
Suffix Tag Name Description
ba- Erg Ergative demoted agent etc. (argument only)
ton- Ins Instrumental instrument
tlo- Loc Locative location and indirect object
sel- All Allative motion to[ward]
peu- Abl Ablative motion away from
sran- Ben Benefactive beneficiary
qur- Mal Malefactive maleficiary
rai- because of
la- Inv Inverse swap subject and object roles (verb only)


More than 1 postverb suffix may appear.

Suffix Tag Name Description
-(u)no Prf Perfect prior state (on state verbs only)
-ibo Pro Prospective anticipatory state
-orzo PotA Potential A capability of agent
-axlo PotP Potential P capability of patient
-eipa Sing Singulative single step (unitizable only)
Inc Inceptive start of process (culminating only)
-(u)ti Inch Inchoative entry to state
Auto Autocausative (lexical)
-ukmi Con Conative attempted action
-otti Hab Habitual repeated or persistent situation
-endi Caus Causative = inchoative + makes univalent transitive
-isti Sit Situational situation referent instead of participant

page started: 2023.Mar.22 Wed
current date: 2023.Mar.27 Mon
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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