K'tlê – A Constructed Language

gqe/ Vocabulary: K'£ê to English

Date = Date Created (more or less)

S Status
_ not used yet and provisional
? not used yet and most likely to change
3 first used in LCC3 relay
a first used in Relay 17
+ implied by word first used in a relay

Cls = Word Classification, consisting of Basic Word Class plus Argument Structure.

Basic Word Class Argument Structure
D Dynamic verb 3 ditransitive/trivalent
S Static verb 2 transitive divalent
Q Quantifier R Relational divalent
A Animate (count) noun V agentive monovalent (Volitional)
I Inanimate count noun 1 patientive monovalent
M inanimate Mass noun Z impersonal
H Human pronoun + valence increased
E non-human pronoun (Either gender) * (depends on stem)
adv adverb (or conjunction)    
tmp temporal word O Obligatory possessed
int interjection N Non-possessed
par particle    
suf suffix (non-lexical, non-actant) = proclitic

( ) not in citation form, but appears in some other forms
[ ] in citation form, but isn't part of the stem
C' used for ejectives which appear in all forms (omitted initially)
C" used for ejectives that appear in the citation forms, but are basically plain stops, = [']

The alphabetical order use here is:

  a  a̅  c  e  e̅  f  h  i  i̅  k  k'  l  m  n  o  o̅  p  p'  r  t  t'  £  x  z  '
" is alphabetized just like ', except it comes first if both occur
(V) is applied after rest has been alphabetized
[X] isn't part of the stem, but is included when alphabetizing

Notes: Inflected forms aren't listed unless irregular in some way. Some derivational affixes are listed, but no inflectional affixes; a dash follows prefixes and precedes suffixes.

Gloss = closest English translation without going into detail

Notes = additional information (interlinear tag if it exists)

A to Z

Date S Cit. Form Cls Gloss Notes
090313 ? al Q1 1 singular
090127 _ cezto S1 there, that/those < 2nd person
090309 _ cin SZ modal: possibility Pos
090226 _ ciot SR ready for < —Yot
090316 _ —ci' D* (forms autocausative) —Aut
090203 3 c(e)lep D2 carry  
090316 _ com SR below  
091021 _ coxmet D2 drink < x(o)met
100313 ? ctak S1 strong, powerful  
100314 ? ekom D2 choose, decide  
090206 _ —e̅ suf (progressive aspect) —Prg
090223 _ par= vocative Voc=
090223 _ e̅ca̅ka int (greeting to plural)  
090223 _ e̅cla int (greeting to singular)  
090303 _ —ha S+ (forms mantenential) —Man
090219 _ hac(o) S2 angry at/with/about  
090309 _ hachi AN demon  
090312 _ hahal S1 there, yonder (remote)  
090312 3 halzi SR far/away from  
090308 _ heaz D2 cover  
090223 _ heazto IN house  
090316 3 hen SR above  
090316 + hep D1 slosh  
090404 ? hihik D1 fast  
090309 _ hil SZ modal: uncertainty Unc
090226 _ hizik D2 reckon, calculate, figure  
100312 ? hizik'to IN desk calculator, computer  
100312 ? hizk'a IO pocket computer, calculator  
090316 3 hi̅ tmp= then (at that time) anaphoric
090316 + hoep D1 ripple .... < hep
090211 _ ho[m] SR with (= instrumental) inverse = "use"
090127 _ hoz IO pair of feet  
090127 _ hoztip DV walk, go on foot  
100312 ? inak Q1 many, numerous  
090223 ? ipil S1 malevolent, malicious, evil  
090309 _ par= indefinite relative pronoun IRP=
100313 ? kahan S1 loud  
090223 ? kal D2 do, make  
090221 _ kam D3 give  
090214 ? kaniz S1 tired  
090316 3 kata' D2 fight, oppose  
090309 _ kli̅zi' SR first see ordinals
090221 ? k(o)loh D2 break  
090309 3 kloz SR before, earlier see ordinals
090222 _ koan S2 confused by, puzzled by  
090313 ? kofo Q1 17  
090313 ? koh Q1 18  
090219 _ kompe AN (a status for male humans)  
090127 _ kozto S1 here, this/these < 1st person
090313 ? k'hal Q1 19  
090313 ? k'het Q1 9  
090223 _ lak SR exceed, surpass comparative
100321 _ lako' adv to a greater degree than  
090316 3 lanit S2 joyful, happy  
090314 _ lelem SR be distributed along < lem
090314 _ lem DR go along a route requires perlative
090316 + leo MN water, water-based liquid  
090316 3 leohoepzo̅ IN wave (of water)  
090227 _ lepit S1 healthy  
090313 ? le̅ Q1 2  
090308 _ locefi AN cook, chef  
090308 _ loceh D2 cook  
100313 ? lolek DV command, persuade  
100313 ? lorek DV control < lolek
090201 _ lox S2 see  
090307 _ loz SZ modal: social necessity Obl
090307 _ lo̅ par= and phrase conjunction
090211 _ mah(o) D2 use inverse of ho[m]!
090309 _ mak SZ modal: capability Cap
100321 _ malako' adv to a lesser degree than  
081216 _ ma£(e) AO mother  
090307 _ ma̅ EN non-human coreferential pronoun CorN
090311 ? ma̅t£i tmp when (coreferential) CorT
090212 ? metik D2 cure (person/illness?)  
090317 _ mikot DR go across requires perlative
090317 _ minkot SR be distributed across < mikot
090330 _ —mo̅c ** (forms devolutive) —Dev
090316 _ mol SR on, on top of  
090223 _ molet S1 hot  
090307 _ mo̅ HN human coreferential pronoun CorH
090309 _ nem SZ modal: logical necessity Ded
090201 _ net S2 want can be aux.
090307 _ ne̅ EN something (non-human pronoun) IndN
090311 ? ne̅t£i tmp sometime IndT
100321 _ nio' adv to some degree (indefinite) IndD
090227 _ nip S1 small  
100313 ? —nizi̅ M? (forms abstraction)  
090127 _ nizto S1 somewhere < Indefinite
090307 _ ni̅ HN someone (human pronoun) IndH
090227 _ ni̅pi̅o' adv (minimal degree)  
090227 _ ni̅po' adv slightly  
090223 _ noh D2 avoid  
100312 ? noit AN human plur. noita
090221 _ o par= relative pronoun Rel=
090330 _ —oc ** (forms evolutive) —Evo
090212 ? ocit S2 forget  
090303 _ oiz S1 drunk  
090317 _ ok SR enough (for some result) satisfactive
090316 _ ook S2 okay, acceptable < ok
090227 + —o' suf (degree adverbs) —Deg
090201 3 D3 tell, say, speak  
090206 _ palok S1 sick  
090227 ? pan S2 keep around  
090206 _ —pat D* (forms inchoative) —Inch
090313 ? pat D2 become like copula
090313 ? pitzek Q1 80  
090313 ? pi' Q1 8  
090313 ? pi'le̅ Q1 16  
090307 _ pi̅ par= or phrase conjunction
090307 _ poh SZ modal: permission Prm
090211 _ pont'a IO meatknife  
090314 _ poz DR go around requires perlative
090309 _ p'en SR after, later see ordinals
090313 ? p'et Q1 4  
090313 ? p'etzek Q1 40 also le̅zkle̅?
090211 _ p"(o)nit D2 cut  
090211 _ p'nitto IN knife  
100321 _ p'ni̅x(o) MN acidic liquid, vinegar, sour juice  
091021 _ p"(o)nox S2 sour  
090309 _ p'o̅ni' SR last see ordinals
090314 _ p"poz SR surround < poz
090316 + tacim S2 salty-tasting  
090316 3 taci̅m(o) MN saltwater, broth  
090127 _ tazto S1 here, this/these < Inclusive
090201 _ —te suf (retrospective aspect) —Ret
090303 _ tel D2 speak/understand/read/write a language  
090309 _ tex SZ modal: physical necessity Nec
100313 ? te̅n Q1 every, all  
100313 ? te̅n HN everyone (human pronoun) UniH
100313 ? te̅na EN everything (non-human pronoun?) UniN
090127 3 tip DV go, come, travel  
090316 3 ti̅ tmp= now  
090316 + ti̅m(o) S1 young  
090316 3 ti̅nno AN child (young rather than relative)  
090210 _ tok SR inside  
090313 ? tom Q1 6  
090313 ? tomle̅ Q1 12  
090313 ? tomzek Q1 60  
090328 _ to̅ D2 act like, play a part must incorporate
090316 3 t'haz D1 die  
090313 ? t'met Q1 3  
100312 ? t"(i)pit AN animal, beast plur. tip'ta
090328 _ t"to̅ D2 act like, play a part non-incorporating
090306 _ —Wax suf (forms interrogative) —Int
090303 _ —Wez ** (forms benefactive) —Ben
090219 _ —Wi' S? (forms superlative) —Sup
090316 3 xazem S2 feel (external sense)  
090220 _ xa̅ EN what (non-human) QueN
090311 ? xa̅t£i tmp when (interrogative) QueT
090211 _ xa̅z S1 where QueL
100321 _ xeo' adv to what degree (interrogative) QueD
090313 ? xin Q1 14  
090313 ? xinho Q1 13  
090224 _ x(o)met D2 eat, drink  
090313 ? xnal Q1 15  
090313 ? xnet Q1 7  
090313 ? xoax DV roar  
100312 ? xoho' S2 afraid of  
090220 _ xo̅ HN who[m] (human) QueH
090315 _ —Yak D* (forms perlative) —Per
090306 _ —Yan suf (forms negative) —Neg
090303 _ —Yem D+ (forms causative) —Cau
090220 _ —Yot suf (prospective aspect) —Pro
100314 ? zalep D2 throw  
090315 _ zamok SR equal to (in some respect) comparative
090227 + zan S1 large  
100321 _ zanko' adv to the same degree as  
090316 3 zantaci̅mozto S1 by the ocean or sea (?)  
090404 ? zaxan D1 slow  
090207 _ zazin D2 kill unlawfully  
090309 _ za̅ SZ modal: expectation Exp
090309 _ za̅zkloz SR earli[er than expected] see ordinals
090309 _ za̅zp'en SR late[r than expected] see ordinals
090313 ? zcet Q1 5  
090313 ? zek Q1 10  
090223 3 zen S1 sitting  
090308 3 zi[£] SR near, at  
090328 _ zizlin D2 guide by touching shoulder(s) < z(i)lin
090313 ? zkal Q1 11  
090313 ? zkle̅ Q1 20  
090313 ? —z(e)kle̅ Q1 times 20 see cardinals
090328 _ z(i)lin D2 push gently  
090316 3 z(o)mik D2 stroke  
090316 3 zohol D2 dream  
090227 _ zo̅ni̅o' adv (maximal degree)  
090227 3 zo̅no' adv very  

page started: 2009.Mar.18 Wed
was modified: 2009.Oct.22 Thu
was modified: 2010.Mar.23 Tue
current page: 2010.Aug.07 Sat
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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