The K-person is equivalent to the 1st person singular (1S) in statements and to the 2nd person singular (2S) in questions. In commands, it's equivalent to 2nd person with number not distinguished.
Each noun is either animate or inanimate. Nouns have determiner prefixes which specify definiteness and referentiality and, if indefinite but referential, number. The following table shows the determiner prefixes with approximate translations:
Prefix | Tag | Description | Gloss |
0- | Def- | Definite | the |
se-, so- | S- | indefinite Singular | a |
pa- | P- | indefinite Plural | some |
lu- | NR- | Non-Referential | any |
ci- | CQ- | Content Question | which? |
The indefinite Singular suffix is so- before qu, cu, gu, and xu and otherwise se-.
The dummy nouns nu (animate) and na (inanimate) are used mainly in the partitive to specify the part, with a singular or plural indefinite prefix.
The local pronouns distinguish number as well as person. 3rd person pronouns distinguish gender (as well as number?). Content question pronouns distinguish gender. Otherwise, the pronouns are not inflected. The following table shows the pronouns along with their descriptions:
Pronoun | Tag | Description | Group |
bī | 1S | 1st person Singular | Local |
fila | 1XP | 1st person eXclusive Plural | |
xima | 1NP | 1st person iNclusive Plural | |
sū | 2S | 2nd person Singular | |
duma | 2P | 2nd person Plural | |
tō | 3AS | 3rd person Animate proximate Singular | 3rd Person |
??? | 3AP | 3rd person Animate proximate Plural | |
tā | 3IS | 3rd person Inanimate Singular | |
??? | 3IP | 3rd person Inanimate Plural | |
ciu | CQA | Content Question, Animate | Other |
cia | CQI | Content Question, Inanimate | |
hu | RPA | Relative Pronoun, Animate | |
ha | RPI | Relative Pronoun, Inanimate | |
xū | Rfx | Reflexive |
There is also a null pronoun which always represents the K-person.
The suffix -ba "other" may be appended to 3rd person pronouns and content question pronouns; for the former, it forms obviative pronouns and for the latter, may be translated as "who/what else". The interlinear tag for -ba is -O.
page started: 2013.Aug.03 Sat
current date: 2013.Aug.04 Sun
content and form originated by qiihoskeh
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