Jan29 –  A Constructed Language

Jan29 Vocabulary, Alphabetical

Part of Speech

NH noun, human or other person
NA noun, other animate
NI noun, inanimate
VS verb (subject)
VL verb (locatee)
VP verb (patient)
VE verb (experiencer)
VT verb (theme)


- not used yet or only in grammar


Date S Word POS Glosses
130203 - - 1 -
130203 - caxla NI book
130203 - cxil VT write
130203 - fr VT tell, say
130203 - jûfi NH girl
130203 - jûme NH boy
130203 - lm VL inside
130203 - nik VE see
130203 - ñôko NA cat
130203 - pecno NI rock
130203 - porc VSA large
130203 - sare NH man
130203 - solp VS fall
130203 - sopra NI picture
130203 - st VT give
130203 - teknê NI window, glass
130203 - tin VS run
130203 - war VP throw
130203 - xaufa NA dog

page started: 2013.Feb.03 Sun
current date: 2013.Feb.06 Wed
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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