Dec22 –  A Constructed Language

Dec22 Lexicon: Finals and Compounds

Column Titles
Stem the stem of the Dec22 word
POS the part of speech (morphosyntactical class) of the Dec22 word
Tag interlinear tag
Glosses/Description English glosses and/or description
S Status: where the word has been used, etc.
Date when the word was first added (it may have since been modified)

Part-of-Speech Codes
P__ Persistent State _1_ Univalent __M Mass Content Word
T__ Transient State _2_ Bivalent __N Name
U__ Unitizable Process _3_ Descriptive __S Scalar
C__ Culminating Process _4_ Relational
E__ Event _5_ Experiential
_6_ Transitive
_7_ Actional
Q__ Cardinal Number or Other __S Scalar Quantity Word
B Adverb, Unit Other
Z Conjunction
F Case

Finals & Compounds, Alphabetical
Stem POS Tag Glosses/Description S Date
a F Abs Absolutive * 221226
Q one x 1000 \ 0 - 221226
abra U7 hop - 221226
abri P1 rabbit - 221226
aĉka U6 write - 221226
aili T3S clean - 221226
aklu T3S black - 221226
albu T3S white - 221226
altu T3S tall - 221226
ammi P1 mother - 221226
ansu Q_S many, much - 221226
anŝi T6 see [look at] - 221226
apli P1 apple - 221226
apna C3 expand - 221226
apnu P1 bread - 221226
apri P1 paper - 221226
aptu U6 hit (repeatedly) - 221226
argi T3S large - 221226
argi vurma T3S large area - 221226
armi P1 military force - 221226
arva T4 lie (on) [lie down] - 221226
asĉa T3 Qdem where?, which? Question Demonstrative - 221226
aski T3 Prox here, this/these Proximal Demonstrative - 221226
aslu T3 Medi there, that/those Medial Demonstrative - 221226
asta T3 Dist there, that/those Distal Demonstrative - 221226
aŝiqna P1M fire - 221226
aŝti P1 woman - 221226
aŝxa T2S angry (at) - 221226
aŝxu P1 demon, lawyer, champion - 221226
aŝxu varmi P1 combatant - 221226
ataĉka P1 office - 221226
atiqna P1 fireplace - 221226
aturma P1 enclosure - 221226
aturma vervu P1 garden - 221226
au F Loc Locative * 221226
aubu T4 Than Explicit Comparisons * 221226
avi F Gen Genitive * 221226
axna U7 swim (underwater) - 221226
axni P1 fish - 221226
axru T3S raw, uncooked - 221226
aɁci T4 in, inside - 221226
âbu B Max Maximum-minimum * 221226
âĉu E5 sneeze * 221226
âli F Agg Aggregative * 221226
âqu F Alt Alternative * 221226
ecma P1 metal (piece of) - 221226
efru T3S heavy - 221226
ekta U7 run - 221226
elba T6 VN want Volitive Necessity - 221226
elmu P1M honey - 221226
enĉu E6 buy (from, for) - 221226
endi F Ben Benefactive * 221226
Z For Purpose For * 221226
C6 help - 221226
enhi T4 sit (on) [sit down] - 221226
enza E5 find - 221226
eqma Q million x 1000 \ + 2 - 221226
ersi P1 man - 221226
erŝa U6 inhabit - 221226
erŝu P1 house - 221226
erŝu vizvi P1 beehive - 221226
erŝu voilu P1 townhouse - 221226
erta Q trillion x 1000 \ + 4 - 221226
erva T3S green - 221226
ervu P1 plant - 221226
espa T6 VP okay with Volitive Possibility - 221226
eŝpu P1 pie - 221226
exra E5 break - 221226
ê F Erg Ergative * 221226
êna T3S flat - 221226
êqu T3S old - 221226
i T4 Cop Copula * 221226
ibexra P1 fragment - 221226
ibaĉka P1 letter, piece of writing - 221226
idyu T6 DP permit Deontic Possibility - 221226
ikŝa U7 act instinctively or thoughtlessly - 221226
ikŝu P1 animal - 221226
ilka Q thousand x 1000 \ + 1 - 221226
incu P1 chair - 221226
inki T3S small - 221226
inki vurma T3S small area - 221226
iqna C3 burn - 221226
islu P1 lettuce (plant) - 221226
iŝma B month - 221226
iŝmi P1 moon - 221226
iŝnu B Nar Narrow Tolerance - 221226
T3S narrow - 221226
itka E6 catch - 221226
itki P1 cat - 221226
itki vaɁci P1 indoors cat - 221226
ixra T3S red - 221226
ixru P1 blood - 221226
izdi T3S fast, rapid - 221226
izva C5 pollinate - 221226
izvi P1 bee - 221226
izvi velmu P1 honeybee - 221226
îga Q billion x 1000 \ + 3 - 221226
îsa T3S hot - 221226
ofka T3S awake - 221226
ofku P1M coffee - 221226
oilu P1 row - 221226
okra U6 drink - 221226
okti B night - 221226
okwi U7 walk - 221226
olsa B year - 221226
olsi P1 sun - 221226
ompa P1 hammer - 221226
ondu E6 give - 221226
ongi T3S young, new - 221226
onẑa U6 eat - 221226
opka B cup - 221226
P1 cup - 221226
orku P1 fork - 221226
oshi T6 hear [listen to] - 221226
ospa E6 sting - 221226
ospi P1 wasp - 221226
ospi vapri P1 paper wasp - 221226
oŝlu T6 DN require Deontic Necessity - 221226
oxfu F Mal Malefactive * 221226
Z Anti Purpose Against * 221226
C6 hinder - 221226
ozgu B Wid Wide Tolerance - 221226
T3S wide - 221226
ô F Ins Instrumental * 221226
ô Z By Means * 221226
ôra B hour - 221226
uĉli P1 smallish bird - 221226
ufɁa C6 guard - 221226
ufɁi P1 dog - 221226
ukĉa U6 play, pretend - 221226
ukĉi P1 child (not offspring) - 221226
umha T3S dirty - 221226
umhu P1M dirt - 221226
umufɁa P1 guard - 221226
undi T3S unclothed, naked - 221226
uqaĉka P1 stylus - 221226
uqda U6 read - 221226
uqdi P1 book - 221226
uqitka P1 trap - 221226
uqitka vusmi P1 mousetrap - 221226
uqîsa P1 heater - 221226
uqîsa vurgu P1 water heater - 221226
uqwa T3S cold - 221226
urga T3S wet - 221226
urgu P1M water - 221226
urma T4 enclose - 221226
urmu P1 wall - 221226
urmu vaɁci P1 interior wall - 221226
urza T3S blue - 221226
urzu P1 sky - 221226
usma U6 gnaw - 221226
usmi P1 mouse, rat - 221226
utfi B foot - 221226
P1 foot - 221226
uxtu E5 cough - 221226
ûĉu B SQ Degree Question - 221226
ûzu C3 sleep - 221226
- - - - - 221226
- - - - - - 221226
- - - - - 221226

page started: 2022.Dec.27 Tue
current date: 2022.Dec.29 Thu
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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