Oct19A –  A Constructed Language

Oct19A Phonology and Orthography

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Letters and Sounds

The tables show the relevent phonetic symbols (in IPA) with the corresponding orthographic (romanization) symbols. The 26 letters and consonant digraphs used are:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u w x y z 'v isn't used.

In the following tables, an asterisk * indicates that the letter is used for more than one sound.

Vowel Qualities

There are 5 vowel phonemes (7 phones) and 3 diphthongs. The diphthongs are: [ai] ai, [au] au, and [ɔi] oi.

No other vowel sequences appear.

  front central back
high i i - - - u u
high-mid - e e* - - - o o -
low-mid - ɛ e* - - -
low - a a* - ɑ a* -

Consonant Qualities

There are 21 consonant phonemes using 23 phones.

  labial coronal dorsal guttural
nasal voiced m m - - n n* - ɲ n* ŋ n* - -
stop voiced b b - - d d - - g g - -
voiceless p p - - t t - - k k - ʔ '
affricate voiced - - d͡ʒ j - -
voiceless - - t͡ʃ c - -
fricative voiced - - z z - - -
voiceless - f f - s s ʃ x - χ q h h
rhotic voiced - - r r - - -
vocoid voiced - - l l - j y - w w - -


The following rhyme types appear:

light: -V
heavy: -VV, -VC


Glyph and Phoneme Mapping

General Glyphs

There are 20 general glyphs and they appear in pairs. The top glyph is mapped onto the onsets while the bottom glyph is mapped onto the rhymes. The 1st and 2nd entries following each glyph represent onsets and the 3rd represents rhymes.

General Glyph Mapping
# + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
0 m y u n y au l y a * y o
4 p w i t w e c w ai k w oi*
8 b w in d w en j y an g y on
12 f w ir s w er x y ar q y or
16 ' w is z w es r y as h y os

Numeric Glyphs

There are 20 additional glyphs used only for numeric values.

Numeric Glyph Mapping
# + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
0 mik nek lak yok
4 pik tek cak kok
8 bok dak jek gik
12 fok sak xek qik
16 'ik zek rak hok

page started: 2016.Oct.22 Sat
current date: 2016.Nov.01 Tue
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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