Jun04 –  A Constructed Language

Jun04 Phonology and Orthography

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Letters and Sounds

The tables show the relevent phonetic symbols (in IPA) with the corresponding orthographic (romanization) symbols. The 23 letters and (consonant) digraphs used are:
a b ch d e f g h i j k kh m n o p r s sh t u v yl q w x z aren't used.

In the following tables, an asterisk * indicates that the letter is used for more than one sound.

Vowel Qualities

There are 5 short vowels, 5 long vowels, and 6 diphthongs. The diphthongs are: [ai] ai, [au] au, [ɔi] oi, [ɛu] eu, [ui] ui, and [iu] iu.

The vowel sequences [i.e] ie, [i.a] ia, [i.o] io, [u.e] ue, [u.a] ua, and [u.o] uo are disyllabic.

  front central back
high i i: i ii - - - u u: u uu
high-mid - e e: e ei - - - o o: o ou -
low - a a: a aa - -

The phones [o] and [u] are not fully rounded.

Consonant Qualities

There are 18 consonant phonemes using 21 phones.

  labial coronal dorsal guttural
nasal voiced m m - - n n* - - ŋ n* - -
stop voiced b b - - d d - - g g - -
voiceless p p - - t t - - k k - -
affricate voiced - - d͡ʑ j - -
voiceless - - t͡ɕ ch - -
fricative voiced - v v - - -
voiceless - f f - s s ɕ sh - χ kh h h
rhotic voiced - - ɾ - r r - - -
vocoid voiced - - l - j y - -


The following rhyme types appear:

light: -V
heavy: -V:, -VV, -VC


Words are mora-timed, with a terrace-toned accent. The accented syllable (the last syllable before a drop to low tone) must be one of the last 3, and can't be the ultima if it is light.


Vowel Deletion

A stem-final u or i may be deleted before vowel-initial suffixes; this is specified lexically.

page started: 2016.Jun.11 Sat
current date: 2016.Jun.18 Sat
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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