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Chapter 18: Subordinate Clauses

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18.1 Complement Clauses

A complement clause is a clause (or sequence of coordinate clauses) that appears in place of an object phrase. It can be coreferential, in which case the subject of the complement clause is the same as that of the containing clause, or it can have its own subject. In a coreferential clauses, the subject is omitted (unless intensive or focused).

me auda te kante.
"I heard you singing." (non-coreferential)

Janno kera kante.
"John wants to sing." (coreferential)

18.2 Nominalized Clauses

A situation nominal is a noun form referring to a situation (event or state) and consists of an o-form immediately preceded by the determiner lo (Sit), in order to distinguish it from the participant nominal (plain o-form). However, impersonal verbs, which can't form participant nominals, omit lo.

lo kero   "the desire"

estato   "summer"

If there's a subject, it's expressed by a have-construction or by a possessive determiner preceding lo; otherwise the situation nominal is impersonal.

teo lo kero   "your desire"

viro mo lo kanto   "the men's singing"

me gusta vaso lo baylo.
"I like your dancing."

Any theme or single object is expressed by an of-construction following the o-form.

lo dono da libro   "the giving of the book"

Any recipient is preceded by a, the whole phrase following the o-form.

lo dono a cikko   "the giving to the boy"

viro mo lo dono a cikko da libro   "the man's giving of the book to the boy"

18.3 Direct Quotations

A direct quotation is one where the original utterance is repeated verbatim. In TIAL, a direct quotation is both preceded and followed by the quotative particle zo (Quo).

cikko dica zo me gevida yo elefanto zo.
'The child said, "I've seen an elephant".'

to dica me zo le bikante zo.
"They told me, 'she sings'." (direct speech)

18.4 Indirect Quotations

An indirect quotation is one where the utterance is modified according to its context. An indirect quotation manifests as a complement clause.

to dica me te bikante.
"They told me that you sing." (indirect speech)

dica say, tell kera want


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