N | noun, monovalent | adv | adverb |
NR | Relational Noun (basically divalent) | conj | conjunction |
Q1 | Quantifier | det | determiner |
VA | Auxiliary Verb | intj | interjection |
VD | Dynamic Verb, basically divalent | post | postposed particle |
VD1 | Dynamic Verb, basically monovalent | pref | prefix (excluding tam) |
VD2 | Dynamic Verb, divalent only! | prep | preposed particle (excluding tam) |
VS | Static Verb, basically divalent | pron | pronoun |
VS1 | Static Verb, basically monovalent | suff | suffix |
VS2 | Static Verb, divalent only! | tam | Tense-Aspect-Mode prefix or particle |
UD0 | Dynamic Verb, impersonal, avalent only | ||
US0 | Static Verb, impersonal, avalent only | US | Static Verb, impersonal, monovalent |
Date | when the word was first added (it may have since been modified) |
SIAL Word | the citation form of the word |
Class | the lexical and inflectional class of the SIAL word (above) |
Glosses | English glosses |
Notes | interlinear tags and other information |
Date | SIAL Word | Class | Glosses | Notes |
091031 | a | VS2 | at (locative), to (allative, dative) | |
091113 | agl·o | N | field (agricultural) | |
100107 | ajl·e | VS1? | agile | |
091101 | al·a | VA | expect(ed) to | |
091104 | alakn·o | N | spider | |
091107 | alb·o | N | tree | |
091031 | aleman·e | VD1 | speak German | |
091031 | aljent·o | N | silver | |
100107 | almonios·e | VS1 | harmonious | |
091104 | alt·e | VS1 | tall, high ? (length upward) | |
091113 | an·a | VS | on | |
091031 | and·e | VD1 | walk | |
091031 | angl·e | VD1 | speak English | |
091101 | ann·o | US | year | |
100110 | an??? | conj | before, until | |
100110 | ant·a | VS | before, until | |
100112 | apikl·o | N | bee | |
091101 | aplil·o | N | April | |
091031 | arrab·e | VD1 | speak Arabic | |
091101 | august·o | US0 | August | |
091031 | aul·o | N | gold | |
091101 | autumm·o | US0 | fall (season) | |
091113 | ave | intj | hello, hey | |
091111 | -az- | suff | (inverse/passive voice) | -Inv- |
091102 | bail·a | VD | dance | |
091031 | bass·e | VS1 | deep, low (length downward) | |
091101 | ben·e | VS1 | competent | |
100107 | berr·e | VS1 | beautiful | |
091030 | bi- | tam | (habitual aspect) | Hab- |
091104 | bib·a | VD | drink | |
100301 | blank·e | VS1 | white | |
091104 | blatc·o | NR | arm | |
091105 | bol·o | N | ball | |
091031 | bon·e | VS1 | good, virtuous | |
100203 | bus·o | N | bus | |
091031 | ca | conj | than | |
091101 | cans·a | VA | fortuitous | |
100121 | cel·o | N | sky | |
100225 | celv·o | N | deer | |
091102 | cen·a | VD | dine on | |
091031 | cent·o | Q1 | 1/100 | |
091030 | ci | prep | (polarity question) | Int |
091031 | cif·o | N | something to be determined | |
091031 | cikk·o | N | child (non-relational), youngster | |
091031 | cin·e | VD1 | speak Chinese ? | |
091030 | da | VS2 | (identity copula) | Ide |
091108 | de | VS2 | some of (partitive) | Par |
091031 | de·a | VS | day of | |
091102 | deb·a | VA | should, obligated to | |
091031 | dec·o | Q1 | 1/10 | |
091101 | decemb·o | US0 | December | |
091031 | dek·o | Q1 | 10 | |
091101 | dekann·o | US | decade | |
091101 | dejov·o | US0 | Thursday | |
091104 | delfin·o | N | porpoise, dolphin (mammal) | |
091101 | delun·o | US0 | Monday | |
091101 | demalt·o | US0 | Tuesday | |
100228 | demany·e | US0 | tomorrow | |
091101 | demelk[ul]·o | US0 | Wednesday | |
091105 | dent·o | NR | tooth | |
091101 | desand·o | US0 | Saturday | |
091101 | desol·o | US0 | Sunday | |
091031 | dev·o | N | god[ess] | |
091101 | devenl·o | US0 | Friday | |
100105 | deyel·e | US0 | yesterday | |
100228 | deyoj·e | US0 | today | |
091102 | dez- | pref | exit state ? | |
091102 | dez·a | VS | outside, out ? | |
091031 | dic·a | VD | tell, say ? | |
091102 | dol·a | VS | in pain, hurting in | |
091101 | dolm·e | VD1 | sleep | |
091031 | dom·o | N | home (residential house or apartment) | |
091031 | don·a | VD | give something | |
091031 | du·o | Q1 | 2 | |
100107 | duc·a | VD | lead | |
100225 | duopodaz·e | VS1 | having two feet | |
091101 | ek·e | VS1 | where (spatial interrogative) | |
091031 | eks·o | Q1 | 6 | |
091031 | el·e | VS1 | yonder, yon (spatial demonstrative) | |
091113 | elg·a | VS | in the direction of | |
100227 | elo ka ? | adv | (distal demonstrative degree) | |
100107 | enigm·o | N | enigma | |
091031 | ept·o | Q1 | 7 | |
091101 | eptad·o | US | week ? | |
091108 | err·a | VD1 | make mistakes | |
091030 | es·e | VS1 | there, that/those (spatial demonstrative) | |
100105 | esk·a | VD | ask (for information) | |
100227 | eso ka ? | adv | (medial demonstrative degree) | |
091102 | esofag·o | NR | throat (inside), esophagus? | |
091031 | -ess·o | suff | (feminine) ?? | |
091101 | estat·o | US0 | summer ? | |
091030 | et·e | VS1 | here, this/these (spatial demonstrative) | |
100227 | eto ka ? | adv | (proximal demonstrative degree) | |
091030 | -ett·o | suff | (diminutive) | |
091030 | fa- | pref | (causative derivation) | Cau- |
091030 | fac·a | VD2 | cause, make, do | |
091108 | facl·e | VS1? | easy/easily | |
091030 | fam·a | VS | hungry for | |
091031 | favole | intj | please | |
100107 | faz·a | VD | by (agent) | inverse of fa[ca] |
091101 | feblay·o | US0 | February | |
091104 | felic·e | VS1 | happy | |
091031 | feml·e | VS1 | female | |
091119 | ferr·o | N | iron | |
100210 | fest·a | VD | celebrate | |
091102 | fi- | pref | (inchoative derivation; enter state) | Inc- |
100225 | fidel·e | VS1 | trustworthy | |
091101 | fil·o | N | thread, sequence | |
091101 | fin·a | VA | finish, complete | |
091031 | fiy·o | NR | son, daughter | |
091108 | flakt·a | VD | break | |
091107 | flamm·o | N | flame, fire | |
091031 | flesk·e | VS1 | fresh | |
091031 | flol·o | N | flower | |
091105 | flont·o | NR | forehead | |
091101 | flukt·o | N | fruit (botanical) | |
100122 | flum·o | N | river, stream | |
091107 | fok·o | N | fireplace, hearth | |
091105 | fol | conj | for (purpose) | |
091105 | fol·a | VD | for (purpose) ? | |
091113 | folt·e | VS1 | strong | |
091113 | font·o | N | fountain, spring | |
100107 | fors·o | N | force, effort | |
091101 | ful·o | N | phylum | |
091101 | fulan·e | VS1 | generic, typical | |
091105 | fulk·o | N | fork | |
091119 | fult·a | VD | steal, burgle | |
100110 | fund·o | NR | bottom (of) | |
091031 | gald·a | VD | guard | |
091107 | gamb·o | NR | leg | |
091031 | gatt·o | N | cat | |
091108 | ge- | tam | (retrospective aspect) | Ret- |
091112 | gerr·o | NR | war (of) | |
091031 | gig·o | Q1 | 10\+9 | |
100225 | gin·a | VA | begin, start | |
091108 | glaff·a | VD | write | |
091031 | gland·e | VS1 | large, big | |
100107 | glasios·e | VS1 | graceful, gracious | |
091104 | glav·e | VS1 | heavy | |
091108 | gov·a | VD | say, speak | |
091112 | gubeln·a | VD | steer, operate a machine | |
091031 | gust·a | VS | like, enjoy | |
091030 | i | conj | and (propositional, all true) | |
091101 | ibeln·o | US0 | winter | |
091113 | ifl·a | VS | below, under | |
100105 | il·a | VS | angry (at) | |
091031 | in·a | VS | in[side of] | |
091102 | io | conj | or (propositional, any true) | |
091102 | ipe ?? | conj | and (cumulative) | |
091030 | ja | tam | now, just now, immediately | Prs |
091105 | jakt·a | VD | throw | |
091101 | janay·o | US0 | January | |
091031 | jelman·o | NR | 1st cousin ? | |
091119 | -jen·e | VS1 | kind, type, class (a determiner must be prefixed) | |
091031 | joln·e | US0 | daytime | |
091101 | jun·o | US0 | June | |
100203 | jut·a | VD | help | |
091101 | juy·o | US0 | July | |
091031 | ka | adv | how (degree) | |
091104 | kad·e | VD1 | fall | |
091119 | kalbon·o | N | carbon | |
091119 | kalc·o | N | calcium | |
091104 | kaln·o | N | meat | |
091113 | kamp·o | N | field (non-agricultural) | |
091031 | kan·o | N | dog | |
091102 | kant·a | VD | sing | |
091104 | kap·o | NR | head ? | |
100225 | kapt·a | VD | catch | |
091031 | kas·o | N | house (small building) ?? | |
091031 | kasu | adv | like ? | |
091031 | kat·o ? | Q1 | 100 | |
091101 | katann·o | US | century | |
091101 | kattiv·e | VS1 | bad, evil, wicked | |
100301 | kaud·o | NR | tail | |
091113 | kav·a | VS | be wary of, beware, look out | |
091104 | kaval·o | N | horse | |
091030 | ke | pron | what (interrogative) | ??? |
091101 | kel·a | VD | seek, look for | |
091030 | ki | pron | who(m) (interrogative) | Que |
091031 | kil·o | Q1 | 10\+3 | |
091101 | kilann·o | US | millennium | |
091104 | kin·e | VD1 | move (motion, not locomotion) | |
091031 | kio | VS1 | possessive of ki | Que.Pos |
091031 | klam·a | VD | call | |
091104 | klav·o | N | key (for lock) | |
100122 | klesc·e | VD1 | increase, grow | |
091101 | ko | det | which (non-spatial, non-degree interrogative) | |
100225 | kolp·o | NR | body | |
091102 | komod·e | adv | how (means, method, manner) ? | |
091102 | kompal·a | VD | shop for (if Prg), buy | |
091113 | kon·a | VA | try, attempt | |
100105 | kontr·a | VD | against, collide with | |
091030 | kopp·o | N | cup | |
091105 | koz | conj | because (cause, reason) | |
091105 | koz·a | VD | because of (cause, reason) | |
091031 | kuc·a | VD | listen to | |
091104 | kult·a | VD | cut | |
091113 | kum | conj | with, accompanied by | |
091113 | kum·a | VS | with, accompanied by | |
091119 | kupl·o | N | copper | |
091031 | kurr·e | VD1 | run | |
091031 | kuzin·o | NR | more distant relative ? | |
100227 | la | adv | (obviative degree) | |
091031 | lak·o | N | lake | |
091104 | lakt·o | NR | milk | |
091031 | latin·e | VD1 | speak Latin | |
091101 | lav·a | VD | wash | |
091108 | le- | tam | (optative mood) | Opt- |
091108 | le | tam | (jussive/hortative mood) | Jus |
091116 | lej·a | VD | read | |
091031 | libl·o | N | book | |
091031 | lo | det | that (non-spatial demonstrative, obviative) | |
091031 | lok·a | VS2 | at place where O is now, even at times when O isn't there | |
091104 | long·e | VS1 | long (length, horizontal or in general) | |
091104 | lun·o | N | moon | |
091101 | lunad·o | US | month ?? | |
091104 | lup·o | N | wolf | |
091030 | ma | VS2 | have (possessive) | |
100107 | magn·e | VS1 | great | |
091101 | maj·o | US0 | May | |
091031 | mal·e | VS1 | not competent | |
091101 | mals·o | US0 | March | |
091119 | malt·o | N | Mars | |
091031 | mam·o | NR | mother of | |
091104 | man·o | NR | hand | |
091031 | mandalin·e | VD1 | speak Mandarin | |
091030 | manj·a | VD | eat | |
091031 | matc·e | VS1 | male | |
091030 | me | pron | I, me (1st person singular) | 1S |
091031 | meg·o | Q1 | 10\+6 | |
091101 | mel·o | N | fruit (culinary) | |
091119 | melkuy·o | N | mercury, Mercury? | |
100110 | men ? | adv | less, (comparative) | ??? |
091031 | mens·o | N | table (physical) | |
100107 | ment·o | N | mind | |
091031 | meo | VS1 | possessive of me | 1S.Pos |
091031 | mez·a | VS | at middle of ? | |
091031 | mik·o | NR | friend | |
091031 | mikl·o | Q1 | 10\-6 | |
091030 | mil·a | VD | look at or wonder at ?? | |
091031 | mil·o ? | Q1 | 10\-3 | |
100122 | milit·o | N | soldier | |
091031 | mim·a | VD | act like, imitate, mime | |
091113 | minut·o | US | minute (1/60 hour) | |
091108 | mo | post | (possessive/genitive) | Pos |
091102 | mod·o | NR | means, method, manner ? | |
091105 | mold·a | VD | bite | |
091113 | molest·a | VD | bother ? | |
100225 | molt·e | VS1 | dead | |
091113 | mont·o | N | mountain | |
091104 | musk·o | N | fly (diptera) | |
091031 | mutc·e | VS1 | many, much | |
091116 | muyel·o | N | woman | |
100107 | muzik·a | VD | make or perform music | |
091031 | na | VS2 | as, namely ?? | |
091031 | nam·a | VS2 | named, called | |
091031 | nan·o | NR | other female caretaker of | |
091030 | nas | pron | we, us (1st person plural, inclusive or exclusive) | 1P |
091119 | naut·a | VD | sail | |
091119 | nav·o | N | boat, sailing vessel | |
091030 | ne | prep | (negative) | Neg |
091030 | nee | intj | no; not (emphatic of ne) | |
091031 | nef·o | N | falsehood | |
091119 | neptun·o | N | Neptune | |
100227 | ni- | pref | (negative; applies to interrogative pronominals) | Nul- |
091119 | nik·e | VS1 | nowhere (negative spatial) | |
091119 | niko | det | no (general negative determiner) | |
091112 | niv·e | UD0 | snow | |
091030 | no | post | (nominalizer) | Nom |
091031 | nokt·e | US0 | nighttime | |
091101 | noml·o | N | noun ? | |
091031 | nosk·a | VS | know (not fact or how to), be familiar with | |
091031 | nov·o ? | Q1 | 9 | |
091101 | novemb·o | US0 | November | |
091030 | o | conj | or (propositional, exactly one true) | |
100105 | ocean·o | N | ocean | |
091031 | okt·o | Q1 | 8 | |
091101 | oktob·o | US0 | October | |
091031 | ol·a | VS | hour of, time of (not precise) | |
091031 | om·o | N | man ? | |
100107 | oml·o | Q1 | each | |
100107 | opl·e | VD1 | work | |
091108 | pa | post | (topic) | Top |
091031 | palas·o | N | palace | |
100107 | palesc·a | VS | seem, appear to be | |
091031 | pan·o | N | bread | |
091031 | pap·o | NR | father of | |
091104 | pasl·o | N | sparrow, finch? | |
100107 | pass·o | N | step | |
091112 | patat·o | N | potato | |
091031 | paupl·e | VS1 | poor | |
091031 | payatc·o | N | clown | |
091119 | paz·a | VS | about (topical) | |
091031 | pelmitt·a | VA | allow, permit | |
091031 | pelt·e | VS1 | open | |
091031 | pent·o | Q1 | 5 | |
100105 | petr·o | N | rock, stone | |
091031 | pii | adv | more, (comparative) | Cmp |
091031 | pijin·e | VD1 | speak pidgin | |
091104 | pisc·o | N | fish | |
100105 | plaj·o | N | beach | |
091113 | plan·e | VS1 | flat | |
091112 | planet·o | N | planet, world (physical) | |
091119 | platin·o | N | platinum | |
091113 | plen·a | VS | full (of) | |
091102 | plend·a | VD | take | |
091119 | plom·o | N | lead | |
091119 | pluton·o | N | Pluto | |
091112 | pluv·e | UD0 | rain | |
091104 | pod·o | NR | foot | |
091031 | poj·o | N | chicken | |
091104 | pok·e | VS1 | few, little | |
091031 | polt·o | N | door | |
091116 | pom·o | N | apple | |
091031 | popl·o | N | people | |
100110 | pos??? | conj | after, since | |
100105 | post·a | VS | after | |
091031 | pot·a | VA | can, able to | |
100225 | pugn·a | VD | fight (usually reciprocal) | |
100225 | rrapid·e | VD1 | rapid, fast, quick | |
091113 | rratt·o | N | rat | |
091104 | rritc·e | VS | rich ? | |
100107 | rrot·e | VD1 | rotate | |
091031 | sa | adv | so (satisfactive degree) | |
091104 | salt·a | VD | jump (over, across) | |
091031 | sam·a | VS | same as ? | |
091112 | sang·o | NR | blood | |
091102 | sap·a | VS | know fact (also know how?) | |
091119 | satuln·o | N | Saturn | |
091030 | se | pron | one's self (reflexive) | Rfx |
100225 | sek·a | VD | follow | |
091030 | sekk·e | VS1 | dry | |
100122 | sekl·o | US | age, era | |
100122 | seklet·e ? | VS1 | secret | |
100225 | sekol·e | US | subsequently | |
091031 | self·o | V1? | by oneself ? | |
091031 | sem·o | Q? | half ? | |
091031 | seo | VS1 | possessive of se | Rfx.Pos |
091108 | sep·e | adv | often ? | |
091101 | septemb·o | US0 | September | |
100307 | seso | pron | each other (reciprocal) | Rcp |
091108 | sin | conj | without | |
091108 | sin·a | VD | without | |
100107 | sinuat·e | VD1 | sinuate??? | |
091031 | skol·o | N | school | |
091112 | so | det | such (non-degree satisfactive) | |
091030 | so | prep | (affirmative) ?? | Aff |
091031 | sof·o | N | truth | |
091119 | sol·o | N | Sun | |
091113 | solt·a | VS | lucky (at) | |
091030 | soo | intj | yes; so (emphatic of so) | |
091119 | sott·e ? | VS | quiet | |
100203 | spel·a | VS | wait (for) | |
091113 | stabl·e | VS1 | stable | |
091113 | sterr·o | N | star | |
091104 | stomak·o | NR | stomach, intestines? | |
091113 | stoy·o | NR | story (of) | |
100107 | studi·a | VD | study | |
091104 | sukl·o | N | sugar | |
091119 | sulf·o | N | sulfur | |
091113 | supl·a | VS | above, over | |
100227 | ta | adv | (proximative degree) | |
091104 | tanj·a | VS | touching ? | |
091031 | tat·o | NR | other male caretaker of | |
091104 | taul·o | N | bull | |
091030 | te | pron | you (2nd person singular) | 2S |
091104 | tekl·o | N | key (of keyboard) | |
091031 | tel·a | VS | far from | |
091031 | tel·o ? | Q1 | 10\+12 | |
091102 | ten·a | VD | hold | |
091112 | tend·a | VD | stretch | |
091031 | teo | VS1 | possessive of te | 2S.Pos |
091104 | terr·o | N | earth | |
091031 | tetr·o | Q1 | 4 | |
100225 | tetropodaz·e | VS1 | having four feet | |
091031 | to | det | this (non-spatial demonstrative, proximative) | |
091112 | tomat·o | N | tomato | |
091113 | tot·o ? | Q1 | all (universal quantifier) | |
091031 | tri·o | Q1 | 3 | |
091104 | trist·e | VS1 | sad | |
091104 | tuss·e | VD1 | cough | |
091031 | u | pron | (indefinite, impersonal) | Ind |
100227 | u- | pref | (indefinite; applies to interrogative pronominals) | Ind- |
100227 | uk·e | VS1 | somewhere, exist (indefinite spatial; existential) | |
100227 | uko | det | some (non-spatial, non-degree indefinite determiner) | |
091119 | ulan·o | N | Uranus | |
100122 | ult·a ? | VS | beyond | |
091031 | un·o | Q1 | 1 | |
091105 | us | conj | by (means, method) | |
091105 | us·a | VD | by (instrument) | |
091108 | va- | tam | (prospective aspect) | Pro- |
091102 | vad·e | VD1 | go | |
091104 | vakk·o | N | cow, heifer, cattle in general? | |
091113 | val·e | VS1 | be well (used for goodbye) | |
091030 | varros ? | N | walrus | |
091030 | vas | pron | you (2nd person plural) | 2P |
091031 | vaz·o | N | bird ? | |
091030 | vee | adv | very | |
091101 | velan·o | US0 | spring (season) ? | |
091101 | velb·o | N | verb ? | |
091101 | vels·a | VD | oppose | |
091102 | velsitat·o | N | university ? | |
091101 | ven·e | VD1 | come | |
091104 | vend·a | VD | have for sale (if Prg), sell | |
091119 | venl·o | N | Venus | |
100122 | vet·a | VD | forbid | |
100122 | vetr·e | VS1 | experienced, weathered, old | |
091031 | vid·a | ?V | see | |
091104 | vin·o | N | wine | |
091116 | vitr·o | N | glass | |
091101 | viv·e | VS1 | alive | |
091119 | voc·o | N | voice | |
091119 | vokat·o | N | lawyer, attorney, advocate | |
091104 | vol·e | VD1 | fly ? | |
091031 | volp·o | N | fox | |
091108 | zu- | tam | (progressive aspect) | Prg- |
page started: 2010.Feb.04 Thu
last modified: 2010.Mar.07 Sun
content and form originated by qiihoskeh
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