TW0 –  A Constructed Language

TW0 Glyph Construction

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Components and Values
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Glyph Components

The glyph components are shown in the table to the right; there are 20 each of the tall and short components. Each glyph consists of 2 short components, one on top of the other, with a tall component to the left. Some glyph samples are shown in the 1st image.

glyph samples

Numeric Glyphs

Numeric glyph values are determined by the short component pairs. The tall left component is always 0 (the 1st glyph). Short components have numeric values from 0 to 19 (base 20); each glyph represents a base 400 digit. The top short component represents the more significant part of the pair.

Numeric Delimiters
Glyph Gloss Description
- negative number
X+ positive exponent
X- negative exponent

Whole numbers consist of sequences of 1 or more numeric glyphs, with the largest place-value being leftmost. If the number is negative, the negative number glyph appears to the left of the sequence. There may also be an exponent consisting of a positive or negative exponent glyph followed by a sequence of at least 1 numeric glyph; omitted exponents have the value 0. The additional glyphs are shown in the table to the right.

numeric samples

Some number samples are shown in the 2nd image.

String Delimiters
Glyph Gloss Description
" start and end string

Quoted Strings

A quoted string is a sequence of glyphs starting and ending with the quote glyph. The sequence may contain any glyph in any order except the quote glyph.

Index Marker
Glyph Gloss Description
# index


An index consists of the index glyph followed by another glyph (the ranges of which haven't been determined yet). Indexes are used as nicknames.

Glyph Compounds

Alignment will be with the 1st (head) glyph of a compound.

Extended Glyphs

Extended glyphs are sequences of 2 or more glyphs. Each glyph but the rightmost is always one with the tall component = 19; these are typically classifiers. The rightmost glyph has any other value (7600 are possible).

Extended glyphs are used for specialized vocabulary, especially foreign nouns.

coffee (drink)
cat (animal)

Participant Nouns

Participant nouns are derived from verbs using prefixes; these are shown in the following table:

Participant Prefixes
Glyph Tag Description
Agt- agent, donor, or positive scalar
Pat- patient, recipient, or negative scalar
Thm- 3rd argument
Ins- instrument
Loc- location
Tmp- time when

Noun Modifiers

The following glyphs convert the following nouns into modifiers of the preceding head nouns (verb roots are treated as action nominals):

Participant Prefixes
Glyph Number Head Modifier Example
2.0.4 set element house row
3.0.4 element set row house
4.0.4 entity detail apple pie
5.0.4 detail entity car tire
6.0.4 source product coal mine
7.0.4 product source beeswax
8.0.4 cause effect tear gas
9.0.4 effect cause water mark
10.0.4 inhabitant location table lamp
11.0.4 location inhabitant family land
12.0.4 action object game hunting
13.0.4 object action huntable game
14.0.4 instrument activity tennis ball
15.0.4 activity instrument table tennis
16.0.4 protective device something undesirable gas mask
17.0.4 something undesirable protective device mask gas
1.0.5 entity resemblance cherry bomb
2.0.5 genus species pine tree
3.0.5 entity selecting type soldier ant
5.0.5 analogous part whole tooth root
7.0.5 entity override material stone lion
9.0.5 instrument energy source wind mill
10.0.5 container substance tea cup
11.0.5 measuring entity something measured cup of tea

page started: 2016.Dec.02 Fri
current date: 2016.Dec.11 Sun
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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