SW0 –  A Constructed Language

SW0 Lexicon, by Glyph Number

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Part of Speech Codes
POS Description
N Noun
Q Quantity, non-numeric
AS Scalar verb, Static
VS other Verb, Static
VD other Verb, Dynamic

Lexicon, by Glyph Number
Glyphs Gloss POS Description S Date
child N child (sapient) 151208
person N person (sapient) 151206
woman N female sapient 151206
man N male sapient 151206
being N sentient being 151206
elder N elder (sapient) 151208
adult N adult (sapient) 151208
area AS large/small/area 151202
deep AS deep/shallow/depth 151202
large AS large/small/volume 151202
tall AS tall/short/height 151202
long AS long/short/length 151202
thick AS thick/thin 151202
wide AS wide/narrow/width 151202
plant N vegetable, plant 151202
sing VD vocalize melodically and/or harmonically 151202
sine AS harmonically rich/sinewave 151204
pitch AS high/low pitch 151204
loud AS loud/quiet 151204
away VD away from/towards * 151203
go VD go (to, via, from) * 151202
many Q/A many/few/quantity 151202
often AS often/rarely/frequency 151204
much Q/A much/little/amount 151202
fast AS fast/slow/speed 151210
late AS late/early, after/before 151210
duration AS long/short/duration 151210
unit N- unit of measurement 151209
rough AS rough/smooth 151204
heavy AS heavy/light/weight 151204
hard AS hard/soft 151204
round AS rounded/angular 151204
bent AS crooked/straight 151204
sharp AS sharp/dull 151204
hot AS hot/cold/temperature 151204
know VS know; learn 151202
? AS complex odor 151204
odor AS fragrant/odorless 151204
see VS see; look at 151202
hear VS hear; listen to 151202
harm VD harm 151205
eat VD eat 151202
sleep VD? sleep 151202
drink VD drink, absorb 151202
coffee N coffee drink 151205
mouth N mouth 151202
eye N eye 151202
fruit N fruit (botanical) 151206
cherry N cherry fruit 151206
tomato N tomato fruit 151206
ear N ear 151202
angry AS angry 151205
hungry AS hungry 151202
sleepy AS sleepy 151202
thirsty AS thirsty 151202
IM VD imperative, hortative, & jussive 151206
ask VD ask question 151202
shiny? AS shiny, metallic 151204
tell VD tell, say 151202
blue AS blue/red/green/wavelength 151204
bright AS bright/dull 151204
read VD read 151202
book N book (paged) 151205
Loc- N location * 151206
LT- N negative direction * 151206
Tmp- N time when * 151206
Abl- N source, manner, or degree * 151206
GT- N positive direction * 151206
EQ- N normative direction * 151206
Ins- N instrument * 151206
Erg- N agent, donor, or actor * 151206
poison N poison 151205
join VD join 151202
fish N fish, fish analog 151202
split VD split 151202
make VD make, create, construct * 151202
food N food, nutrition 151205
around VS around 151202
across VS across 151202
down AS far down 151204
yonder AS yonder 151205
high AS high/low/altitude 151204
far AS far/near/proximity 151204
in VS in, inside 151202
rock N mineral, rock 151202
there AS there 151205
above VS above, over 151202
at VS at, with, exist 151202
here AS here 151205
below VS below, under 151202
along VS along, alongside 151202
bird N bird, bird analog 151208
animal N animal (oxidizing) 151202
dog N dog 151205
cat N cat 151205
burn VD burn, fire 151202
female VS female phase 151206
half AS majority/minority/half 151202
EP VS may, epistemic possibility 151208
DP VS may, permit, allow 151204
DN VS must, require 151204
EN VS must, epistemic necessity 151208
VP VS okay with 151204
VN VS want, desire 151204
male VS male phase 151206
? AS nutritious/poisonous 151205

page started: 2015.Nov.26 Thu
current date: 2015.Dec.11 Fri
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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