SW0 –
A Constructed Language
SW0 Examples
Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".
Example Sentences
"While the dog was angry at the cat, the other dog ate his food."
- Note that this could be past or future, since there's no absolute tense marked.
"This coffee is hot enough to burn my mouth."
- This is an example of the satisfactive construction.
- Since time when is unspecified for burn, that clause is
- The verb here appears without an enclosure to act as a
"The woman ate as many tomatoes as the man."
- This is an example of equative sentence.
"I was told that you call this person Singing Fish."
- This is an example of a name construction as a complement clause.
- The verb here appears without an enclosure to act as a
"I see that the 1st 3 books are the smallest."
- This uses 2 partitive constructions: an ordinal phrase and a superlative
"Are the boy and girl permitted to make a cherry pie?"
- This is an example of a polar question.
- It uses a conjunction, a determiner, and a deontic modal auxiliary.
"The child and the elder must have each heard a bird."
- This uses the distributive, a conjunction, and an epistemic modal auxiliary.
"The adult will ask her child what kind of food he's hungry for."
- This is an example of an embedded content question.
- It uses the similarity or kind connection point.
page started: 2015.Nov.22 Sun
current date: 2015.Dec.09 Wed
content and form originated by qiihoskeh
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