Jul23 –  A Constructed Language

Jul23 Usage

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Aspect Usage

The aspects are relative to some temporal point of reference, which varies depending on the context. When the temporal point of reference is the time of utterance, the aspects act like absolute tenses:

The aspect of a temporal adjunct specifies the temporal relationship between the referent of the adjunct clause and that of its host clause:

Temporal Relationships
Aspect Relationship
Present host event during adjunct situation
Perfect host event after adjunct event
Future host event before adjunct event
Aoristic adjunct event during host situation

Special Verb Usage

Determining Verbs

A number of verbs act as determiners semantically:

Determining Verbs
Verb Tag Description Glosses
den Ana anaphoric the (same)
nu Ind indefinite (specific) some, a
how NR non-referential any
tiy Prox proximal demonstrative this/these, here
sow Medi medial demonstrative that/those, there
law Dist distal demonstrative yon, yonder
kway Q interrogative which, where
fru Sat satisfactive such
byaw Uni universal quantifier all
kley Dstr distributive each
trin the other

page started: 2017.Jul.26 Wed
current date: 2017.Jul.26 Wed
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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