Jul23/C6 –  A Constructed Language

Jul23/C6 Orthography

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Original Codes

Jul23/C6 has no phonology (in the strict sense). What it has instead of sounds are numeric values in the range 0 to 127 decimal; these are called original codes. Sequences of them form morphemes, which form words; there are also some non-morphemic codes, such as (space), which are used as word separators, etc. The classes of codes are shown in the following table, along with their value ranges:

Original Code Classes
First Last Size Name
0 7 8 numeric (octal)
8 23 16 particles
24 63 40 other (affixes & clitics)
64 73 10 pronominal (affixes & clitics)
74 74 1 quote
75 75 1 escape
76 79 4 non-token
80 127 48 alphabetic

Morpheme Formation

A numeric morpheme consists of a sequence of 1 or more numeric class codes.

A string morpheme consists of a possibly empty sequence of codes preceded and followed by quote codes. The escape code appears immediately before an otherwise non-quotable code in order to quote that code. The non-quotable codes include the quote and escape codes.

An identifier morpheme consists of 2-3 alphabetic codes. If the middle bit of the 1st alphabetic code's binary value is 0, there are only 2 alphabetic codes; otherwise there are 3.

A particle morpheme consists of a single particle code, a pronominal morpheme consists of a single pronominal code, and an other morpheme consists of a single other class code. Non-token codes are also non-combining.

ASCII Orthography

The orthography uses the 95 ASCII characters from 32 (space) through 126 (~). Space, hyphen (-), and possibly a couple others are used as separator characters corresponding to the original code separators.

Token Formation

Numeric tokens are represented by sequences of octal digits (0-7) and are always preceded by a distinguishing token. For cardinal numbers, this token is an asterisk (*). For fractional numbers, this token is a slash (/). For ordinal numbers, this token is a hatch (#). Single decimal digits (0-9) are also used for representing pronominal affixes and index assignment clitics. An apostrophe (') is inserted between a numeric token and a pronominal suffix.

Quoted strings are formed using possibly empty sequences of ASCII characters enclosed in quotes (both "). The escape character (') appears immediately before an otherwise non-quotable character in order to quote that character. The non-quotable character include the quote and escape characters.

Principal identifiers are sequences of 2 letters, the 1st of which is lower case (a-x). Additional identifiers are sequences of 3 letters, the 1st of which is upper case (A-X). Each particle is represented by a single lower case letter preceded by a period (.). In many cases, an affix (both inflectional and derivational) is represented by a single upper case letter preceded by a period (.).

Other affix and clitic tokens are represented by single non-alphanumeric characters.

The characters (, ` y z Y Z) aren't used.

Original Codes to ASCII Conversion

The following table shows the mapping for each original code. The row labels give the 4 most significant bits (in octal) while the column labels give the 3 least significant bits (in octal). The entries give the ASCII characters and sequences for each, along with the interlinear tags (where they exist).

Original to ASCII Mapping
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Orth Tag Orth Tag Orth Tag Orth Tag Orth Tag Orth Tag Orth Tag Orth Tag
00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
01 .s Seq .c Sim .d Dis .i If .r Rat .t Tmp (free) .x Mir
02 .n EN .p EP .w Wit .h Hrs .j Jus .m Imp .q PQ .f Fin
03 .D Deg .C Cmp .S Sup .E Sat .Q QP .B BP .L LP .T TP
04 .M Man .U Mas .N Inh % Hab \ Aor @ Prg [ Pro ] Prf
05 .I Inch .O Term .V Inv ; Nom ^ Neg = Eq < LT > GT
06 .R Rec $ Def & Ind ~ NR ? CQ ! Rem
{ Ana
} Cat
07 : P # Ord * N / D + Agg | Alt ( Fut ) Pst
10 0 Uns 1 1 2 2 3 3A 4 3B 5 3C 6 3D 7 3E
11 8 Rfx 9 Inc " Quo _ Esc (space) (hyphen) (delimiters)
12 a b c d e f g h
13 A B C D E F G H
14 i j k l m n o p
15 I J K L M N O P
16 q r s t u v w x
17 Q R S T U V W X

Original Code Glyph Components

The following is a possible alternate writing system. It allows values from 0 to 255 (decimal) to be written with a single glyph. Each symbol is composed of 3 components: 1 from each line, representing the octal digits. The top row shows the least significant digit components and the bottom row shows the most significant digit components. The image also shows a sample combination.

glyph components for original codes

There are 2 ways to use these symbols: as purely numeric, using all of them, or as codes, using only the 1st 128 (in which case each digit of a numeric morpheme is written separately).

page started: 2015.Jul.31 Fri
current date: 2015.Aug.12 Wed
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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