Jul23/C6 –  A Constructed Language

Jul23/C6 Lexicon by Class Label

Legend: Definitions, Terms, <Text>, [IPA], -Tags-, and "Glosses".

Identifier Class Labels
1st Symbol 2nd Symbol 3rd Symbol
M Mass Inherent 1 Univalent   no incorporation
N Count Inherent U ? -
H Habitual P Patientive X X without inverse
S Scalar A Agentive Y Y without inverse
O Other Static 2 Bivalent R Reciprocal
T Telic 3 Trivalent Z Z only
V Other Dynamic W Temporal Adverb -
- Q Quantity Word -

Lexicon by Class Label
Date S Class Tag Form Glosses
150816 SQ Qty many - few -- quantity
150816 SQ Amt much - little -- amount
150816 SW long time - short time -- duration
150816 SW fast - slow -- speed
150816 SW often - rarely
150816 SW late/after - early/before
150816 S2R resemble
150816 S2R far from - near
150816 S2X high - low - altitude
150816 S2X far down - not far down
150816 SAX Y is happy
150816 SAX Y is sad
150816 SAX Y is angry
150816 SAX Y is afraid
150816 SAX Y is hungry
150816 SAX Y is thirsty
150816 SPY Fav X is favorable - unfavorable
150816 S1 large - small -- volume
150816 S1 large - small - area
150816 S1 long - short -- length (horizontal)
150816 S1 tall - short -- height
150816 S1 wide - narrow -- width
150816 S1 thick - thin -- thickness
150816 S1 deep - shallow
150816 S1 steep - level
150816 S1 rounded - angular
150816 S1 crooked - straight
150816 S1 high pressure - low pressure -- pressure
150816 S1 heavy - light -- weight
150816 S1 hot - cold -- temperature
150816 S1 rough - smooth
150816 S1 hard - soft ?
150816 S1 wet - dry
150816 S1 ancient - recent
150816 S1 far future - near future
150816 S1 old - young -- age
150816 S1 dangerous - safe
150816 S1 pleasant - noxious ?
150816 S1 robust - fragile ?
150816 S1 strong - weak -- strength
150816 S1 sharp - dull ?
150816 S1 flexible - stiff
150816 S1 dirty - clean
150816 S1 full - empty
150816 S1 loose - tight
150816 S1 strange - familiar
150816 S1 sick - well
150816 S1 excited - calm
150816 S1 open - closed
150816 S1 opaque - transparent - translucent
150816 S1 shiny - dull
150816 S1 bright - dim
150816 S1 white - black - grey
150816 S1 loud - quiet
150816 S1 high pitch - low pitch
150816 S1 harmonically rich - sine
150816 S1 fragrant - odorless
150816 S1 majority - minority - half [limited usage]
150816 O2Y VP Y is OK with X
150816 O2Y VN Y wants X
150816 O2X Std X is standard of comparison
150816 O2X Y is inside X
150816 O2X Y is outside X
150816 O2X Y is along X
150816 O2X Y is across X
150816 O2X Y is around X
150816 O2X Y is above X
150816 O2X Y is below X
150816 O2X Y is in front of X
150816 O2X Y is in back of X
150816 O2X Y is to the right of X
150816 O2X Y is to the left of X
150816 OAY Y sees X
150816 OAY Y hears X
150816 OAY Y smells X
150816 OAY Y tastes X
150816 TPY Y makes X
150816 TPY Y breaks X
150816 TPY Y causes X to fall ?
150816 TPY Y causes X to die ??
150816 T1 is emergent
150816 VPY DP Y permits X
150816 VPY DN Y requires X
150816 V2R acts like
150816 VAX Y locomotes along X
150816 H2R spouse
150816 H2X Y is responsible for &/or takes care of X
150816 H2X X is reserved for consumption by Y
150816 H2X Y has X on or with himself
150816 H1 male
150816 H1 female
150816 H1 solid
150816 H1 liquid
150816 H1 gas
150816 H1 water
150816 MPR Cop copula (realis)
150816 MPR Hyp copula (irrealis)
150816 M1 GM generic mass inherent
150816 M1 metal
150816 NW Itr iteration
150816 NW Occ occurrence
150816 NPR Cop copula (realis)
150816 NPR Hyp copula (irrealis)
150816 N2Y Par X is part of Y
150816 N2Y X is mother of Y
150816 N2Y X is father of Y
150816 N2Y X is offspring of Y
150816 N2R full sibling
150816 N1 GN generic count inherent
150816 N1 each [limited usage]

page started: 2015.Aug.12 Wed
current date: 2015.Aug.17 Mon
content and form originated by qiihoskeh

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